The Christian Home July 20, 2008 The Christian Home Home, marriage
The Christian Home July 20, 2008 Introduction Ps. 127:1 Could apply to a house, temple or the establishment of a family How do we identify the home as God would have it? INTRODUCTION: 1. Psalm 127:1. Could apply to building of a temple (as in days of Solomon or Zerubbabel) or building of a dwelling for a family, or the establishment of a family consisting of a husband and wife and then later children. In all of these efforts, men labor in vain if God is not the center of their efforts. 2. What are some of the characteristics of a house that is built by God? Home, marriage
I. Follows God’s Design God has given a blueprint for the home The Christian Home July 20, 2008 I. Follows God’s Design God has given a blueprint for the home Gen. 2:18-24 Gen. 4:1-2 Men have tried to alter God’s plan-man/woman living together without being married-same sex marriage-etc. I. The design. A. Can be compared to a construction blueprint. In order for finished product to be what architect had in mind, workers must adhere to blueprint. B. God’s design for the family can be seen in the first family (Genesis 2:18-24; 4:1-2). C. Men have foolishly attempted to alter God’s design for the home (i.e. man/woman living together without being married, same-sex marriages, singles choosing to be parents, etc.). Home, marriage
II. The Materials Required The Christian Home July 20, 2008 II. The Materials Required Built on the foundation of God’s truth Mt. 24:35 Jn. 17:17 2 Tim. 3:16-17 II. The materials (necessary ingredients). A. Built on the foundation of God’s truth (Matthew 24:35; John 6:68; John 17:17; II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; I Peter 1:25; Jude 3). Home, marriage
II. The Materials Required The Christian Home July 20, 2008 II. The Materials Required Surrounded by walls of love 1 Cor. 13:4-7 Discipline (training)- instructive, corrective, and self-discipline B. Surrounded by walls of love (I Corinthians 13:4-7). Love is patient, kind, not proud, unselfish, rejoices in the truth. C. Discipline (training). Consists of instructive, corrective, and self-discipline. D. Atmosphere of respect (high regard). Consider Psalm 127:3 along with Ephesians 6:1-2. E. Insulated from outside threats by commitment. Home, marriage
II. The Materials Required The Christian Home July 20, 2008 II. The Materials Required Proper respect Ps. 127:3 Eph. 6:1-2 Insulated from outside threats by commitment D. Atmosphere of respect (high regard). Consider Psalm 127:3 along with Ephesians 6:1-2. E. Insulated from outside threats by commitment. Home, marriage
III. The Workers-those Responsible For Building Christian Homes The Christian Home July 20, 2008 III. The Workers-those Responsible For Building Christian Homes The responsible persons are you and me-we are responsible to build a Christian home and to encourage others to do likewise Ps. 127:1 III. The workers (those responsible for building Christian homes). A. Statistics from the 2000 U.S. Census (reflecting living patterns and trends during previous ten years) indicate many are failing to work at building Christian homes. Households headed by unmarried persons grew by almost 72 percent during the past decade. Households headed by single mothers increased by more than 25 percent. Those led by single fathers grew by almost 62 percent. Nuclear families dropped to below 25 percent of households. A third (33 percent) of all babies born were born to unmarried women compared to only 3.8 percent in 1940. Same sex homes are soaring. The Census Bureau said they are "skyrocketing" in Vermont and Delaware. Other sources indicate cohabitation increased by close to 1,000 percent from 1960 to 1998. A growing number of women in their 20’s and 30’s are choosing to bear and raise children alone. B. Those persons who are responsible for building a Christian home are us! The church can encourage its members, but the responsibility ultimately falls upon the family members (and more specifically the husband/father in each family). Home, marriage
The Christian Home July 20, 2008 Conclusion Home is which each lives for the other and all live for Christ 1. Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Home, marriage
Outlined from material by Rod Halliburton The Christian Home July 20, 2008 Outlined from material by Rod Halliburton Home, marriage