Back to School Night 8th grade Science Ms. Lisa Henderson Room 37
My background B.S. California State University, Fullerton A.s. Kaplan university Single subject science credential Supplemental in math (housed in as highly qualified under nclb) 10 years teaching 6th, 7th & 8th grade 1st year at yorba linda middle school
To contact me Phone 714 – 986 – 7080 ext. 24337
Office Hours My hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – 3:35 – 4:05
Grade ( You can check whenever you like. I will send out a mass email whenever I update the gradebook.
What if a student has been absent? After an EXCUSED absence he or she should… Look at the assignment listed on the board or on my website. Read the section in the textbook for the day he or she was out. Copy a classmate’s notes. Get any needed handouts District Policy: Students receive 2 days to make up homework for each day of an excused absence. If you are absent on Monday, the assignment is due on Thursday.
Text: Focus on Physical Science Content: Physics Chemistry Astronomy
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