Doral Academy Open House 2016-2017 Carolina Rudman 6th Grade Reading
Course Description and Grading Policy This course has been structured to teach students different strategies to be successful in reading. Some strategies may include: Sequence of events Plot structure Text elements and features Making inferences Venn Diagrams Students grades will be based as follows: Tests are 40% Projects/ Reports are 30% Quizzes are 20% (which includes Reading Plus) Classwork/ Homework is 10%
What to Expect Group 1: Independent Work based on skill for the week In this class, instruction is differentiated. Students will be placed in a group according to the student’s deficit based on collected data. When in small groups, the student will receive help in their area of need. Groups work as follow: Group 1: Independent Work based on skill for the week Group 2: Teacher Assisted based on student weakness Group 3: Group Work/Partner Work Group 4: Reading Plus
A computer based, reading intervention system that helps students establish: Silent reading fluency Increase comprehension skills Expand vocabulary while broadening interests and building knowledge The students will have to complete two instructional components: SeeReader (Reading) and ReadAround (Vocabulary). Reading Plus
Students are expected to complete all of their assignments on a weekly basis. “A” = All assignments completed with green and white checkmarks “F” = Incomplete or any blue and white checkmarks Reading Plus
Reading Plus reports will be printed on Monday of each week and a quiz grade of an “A” or “F” will be applied based on completion. A= All assignments completed, in all sections (SeeReader & ReadAround) with 80% comprehension or higher. F= Incomplete assignments and/or comprehension below 80%. Reading Plus Grading
Here is the link for all support info: E: P: 800-READ-PLUS 800-732-3758 802-735-1942 (ext.1) Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (ET) Technical Support
Textbook Online Website: Username: crudman7 Password: s7d5t Textbook Online
Wonder by R.J Palacio 6th Grade Novel
I will be awarding hours for things donated to the class I will be awarding hours for things donated to the class. This could include Gift cards or any school supplies. Please make sure you attach a receipt with the student’s name to everything that is being donated in order to receive hours. Volunteer Hours
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Conferences should be scheduled with the counselor or the receptionist. (305) 591- 0020 Middle School