Christmas lunches this week! Wednesday 13th December and Thursday 14th December
Moved to Thursday 14th December 2017 Year 5/6 Christmas Lunch Moved to Thursday 14th December 2017
Year 5 and 6 pupils like to decorate their tables for their lunch. They can bring in things from home to help their table decoration.
They can wear a Christmas Jumper during lunch as well.
Year 7/8 pupils – Wednesday 13th December These pupils will have their Christmas lunch as usual but the decoration of tables is no necessary this year. We will invite all pupils in year 7 and 8 to bring a Christmas jumper to wear during the meal.
Year 9 Pupils Year 9 pupils will be helping out at the Christmas lunches and eat their lunch with staff afterwards. They too can wear their Christmas Jumper for lunchtime.