Once there was an old man. He lived in an old house.
The house is too noisy, said the old man. The door creaked. The floor squeaked. And the window went bang-bang.
One day the old man took his cane. Off he went to see a very wise lady. My house is too noisy, said the old man. What can I do?
The lady said, Take this goat. The goat will live with you in your house.
The old man took the goat to his house. The goat went maa-maa. It broke a chair with its horns. Crash!
So the next day the old man went back to the lady. My house is still too noisy! he said. So now the wise lady gave him a cow to take to his house.
The cow went moo-moo. The goat went maa-maa. The old man put a pillow over his head.
The next day the old man went back to the lady. My house is still too noisy! he said. So now the wise lady gave him a donkey to take to his house.
The donkey went hee-haw, hee-haw! The cow went moo-moo. The goat went maa-maa! And the old man yelled, It is too noisy!
The next day the lady came to the house. She said, Open the door. Let out the goat, the cow, and the donkey. And the old man did.
And what do you know? The house was quiet now! The old man went to bed and slept all day long.