Need a great class? Try Printmaking! ARTS 2333/2334 Spring 2016 Course Number 88493/88494 Need a great class? Try Printmaking! Student Artworks by: Quan Nguyen, Leni Zhelezov, and Vanessa Carlton Learn a lot. Have fun. Go on field trips. No textbook to buy, the art supplies cost less than what you would pay for a textbook. Your prints make great Christmas (or Holiday) gifts for your family and friends. Sell prints and earn money! No research paper. No tests or quizzes. Learn to be more creative. Use your hands. Learn by doing. Participate in a student show. Get in art museums for free. Decorate your home with your own artwork. Learn hip art lingo. No need to dress up. Get to know cool, bohemian, tolerant and diverse art students. Explore your own weird self in a socially accepted setting – for elective credit! Tell your friends! Printmaking I and II (ARTS 2333 and 2334) Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30 –3:30p.m. (Excellent Drive and Parking Times) HCC-Northwest, Alief-Hayes Road Room C-324 (a terrific new studio room) For more information visit the Professor’s website: or call Stanley Kaminski at (281) 702-9787 Do I need to be an art major? No, less than half of the students will be art majors. I can’t draw, will that affect my grade? No, there are lots of ways to use patterns, designs and transfers to make good prints! ARTS 2333/2334 Spring 2016 Course Number 88493/88494