A project established by Dignity Foundation Senior Citizens Life Enrichment Services
Indias first Active Living Retreat for Senior Citizens Dignity Lifestyle Township
At Neral – 90km from Mumbai 25 acres of greenery overlooking Matheran hills. Residential cottages for 500 people Geriatric hospital in- house Guest House
Active Living where life has a meaning Getting invovled in Development projects for villages around 1.micro credit financing for villagers 2.100% literacy project 3.women self-help groups 4.Geriatric health awareness building 5. Spiritual stimulations
Dining Area and Open Air Deck
Club House for indoor games, library, surfing
We have Three types of Apartments Premium Nightingale for dementia Economy
The Admin block
The auditorium -250 seater
Entrance Gate is here
Entrance to Admin Block
Connecting Corridors
Electric buggies for navigation Apartments areas
Club House side view
Club House, Dining Hall still getting completed
As you go up
Into an elevated terrain
The magnificence of Matheran Hills becomes your backdrop. Toy train
Residential block quadrangle
Water body
4 Cottages on one side of a Block
Entrance to a Block of 8 cottages
Exactly one cottage
Residents come here to have a good time
Highly educated independent seniors 50% of their time reserved for reading
Social Worker Psychologist
Village folk come to sing Bhajans to Nightingale residents
Kitabi: Alzhiemers best in a class of children Shivramjis nostalgia of his own childhood Remarkable improvements in cognitive states of dementia afflicted
Intergenerational bonding Students from AICAR Inst of Communication
A small temple of Lakshmi Narayan- Ganpati
This is the ultimate they seek 95 year old Rupani sits here in meditation