ESS-Health Document Management Application
Email/Link- Students receive email notification Email/Link- Students receive email notification. Follow instructions & select “Get Started” Button to continue
Read Instructions & select Continue Button
Electronic Authorization
Provide required demographic information, name, address, date of birth, social security number.
Select Current Order Button– Credit Card Authorization will follow $20.00
Include Email Address on payment authorization to receive a receipt.
Create Account. If you already have an account, please use the User ID you have. To obtain this contact Client Care at
Student Account: Each requirement will have upload document option.
To access account after initial set-up ESS Home Page:
Select Student Login: Enter User Name & Password (case sensitive)
Client Care/Customer Service 205-879-0143 or 866-859-0143 Results@es2 Client Care/Customer Service 205-879-0143 or 866-859-0143 Document Tracking Department 205-879-0143 Resoures