Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts in this first year in SAP!!! You did it! We all survived!


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Presentation transcript:

Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts in this first year in SAP!!! You did it! We all survived!

Oklahoma City Public Schools End of Year Update Student Activity Fund Presented on 5/16/18

Staffing Updates Reports and Questions on Student Activity Funds should always be sent to Sherrye Cravens Director of Accounting 405.587.0479 Janet Cimbalo Manager General Ledger 405.587.0018 Lisa Rodgers Accounting Specialist 405.587.0108 Linda Henry 405.587.0510

Year End Deadlines All Cash Receipts need to be entered by May 31st Any June Cash Receipts need to be entered before you leave for the summer Verify with Athletic Director that all officials and sports workers have been paid Last day of Courier pick up will be June 4th, so any deposits received on June 4th and going forward you will need to take it to the bank

Year End Deadlines June 4th Deadline for the following items: Send to May Monthly Reporting Dormant/Inactive Sub-Account Letter to transfer subaccount balance to 801 – General Activities Send to P-Card Reconciliation a. Log and Receipts

OKCPS Year End Deadlines May 24th All unused checks should be sent back to Accounts Payable to be voided. All Fundraisers are closed out, P&L turned in, and all invoices paid for the fundraiser. Funds due to Treasury Daycare/Latchkey #807, Preschool Tuition #808, Lost Text Book #814 and AP Test #958 Review all open POs and complete GR-IR to allow for closing (as appropriate). Request receipt books for the new school year. All previous year receipt books must be turned in to the Financial Secretaries from Sponsors. Ensure timely processing of GR/IR Transportation activity. (Fieldtrips, etc.) Transportation contact is Theresa Ross 587-1155 ( May 30th

19 Budget Report To find out the balance of any cost center (subaccount) you will need to run a Y_OKD_48000019 report New cost centers look like XXX(site) 60(BA) XXX (project) [e.g. XXX60801 general funds for your school]

807 Enter a PR to close out to zero.

STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND REMINDER PRINCIPAL/CUSTODIAN should notify Mark Waldrip, Treasurer ( of any changes in staffing related to the online banking access. Any contract information should be submitted to Lisa McKean (, 405.587.0049) in the ILD office.

SAF Fundraiser Inventory/Profit and Loss The blank template is on the Accounting webpage.

REFPAY NEW FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR District Athletic department will cover ALL fees for game officials for all schools. Athletic Directors will assess the total number of games, officials needed per game, price per official, transaction fees, etc. and will complete a Form for PR/PO/GR/IR use. Athletic Directors will submit these Forms to the OKCPS District Athletic department. District Athletic department are responsible for reconciling the Program and ensuring funds are available. School sites will now purchase their OWN athletic equipment. Gate Keepers, Ticket Takers, Non-Official Workers – No change in process and are paid through a SAF PO. (Need Vendor # [non-employee] or Vendor - OKCPS-Student Activity Payment w/ Employee ID & 38% benefits [employee])

Accounts Payable Refunds to Student/Parent a. Fill out a request for refund form b. This form is on our website under Departments < Financial Services < Accounting c. This is the ONLY time a PR is not created, since this is a ONE time payment d. E-mail the request form to our Accounts Payable Dept e. NO MORE REFUNDS after June 28th

Accounts Payable Email all invoices that you receive at your site a. We DO NOT pay off of statements, quotes, screen shots, etc. b. Exceptions – couriered checks (must send in receipt or invoice) Always send an invoice with PO number written on the invoice to a. Do not send to one person in case they are out of office

Accounts Payable AP WILL NOT know there is a payment DUE until an invoice is received a. If attached to the PR or PO AP will not see the attachment b. If you have sent it in previously, forward the original email so this can be addressed with AP staff. AP needs you to GR and they need the IR (INVOICE) to issue payment Be sure to make it clear the payment needs to go by courier if necessary a. Write go by courier on the requisition or documentation, then send to b. Clearly state in the email subject line that it needs to go by courier

Questions from the Audience

Student Activity Fund Purchasing Updates Director of Purchasing Kathy Padilla, Director of Purchasing

Staffing Updates Questions on Purchasing send to Kathy Padilla Director of Purchasing 405.587.1041 Marti Sturm-Sawyer Manager Purchasing 405.587.1046 Billy McMeans (Elementary) Purchasing Specialist 405.587.1049 Carlos Cardoza (Operations/Athletics) Purchasing Specialist 405.587.1052 Bonnie Thomas (Middle/High School) 405.587.0063 Jan Saylors (P-Card/Admin/Travel) 405.587.1047

Purchasing Fundamentals Procurement Thresholds FEDERAL Funded Purchases: (Title I, SNS, Grants) $0 - $3,500.00 – Written Quote (Primary Vendor) $3,500.01 - $150, 000.00 – Three (3) Written Quotes $150,000.01 – And Over – RFQ/RFP Sealed Bid Process. GENERAL Funded Purchases: (Public Funds) $3,500.01 - $250, 000.00 – Three (3) Written Quotes $250,000.01 – And Over – RFQ/RFP Sealed Bid Process.

Purchasing Fundamentals Procurement Process Close PO Request for Need Request for Need Create PR Release PR Convert to PO Close PR Goods Receipt Invoice Close PO Invoice Create a PR Goods Receipt Release PR Close PR Convert to PO COMPLETE THE CIRCLE

(School Site Location) Purchasing Fundamentals Procurement Triangle PURCHASE ORDER (Purchasing Unit) GOODS RECEIPT (School Site Location) INVOICE/PAYMENT (Accounts Payable) THREE WAY MATCH EQUAL LEVEL OF BALANCE

Purchase Quotes When pulling quotes on a vendor website make sure that: a. Shipping is added b. Taxes are removed If it is a Primary vendor there should NOT be shipping fees ATTACH quotes to your SAP PR

Purchase Cards Principal (Custodian) assumes all responsibility and liability for security of the P-card and usage P-cards have a monthly credit limit: a. Elementary $1,000 b. Middle $1,500 c. High $3,000 Credit charges must have an approved PO Remind P-Card user to confirm TAXES were not added to the receipt

Year End P-Card Monthly Reconciliation Monthly Billing Cycle ends the 10th of the Month so view your P-Card charges ONLINE prior to your last day. Access the Chase account website: Financial Secretaries will reconcile the online P-Card charges against the Transaction Log and Original Receipts. (June statement will not be available before you leave for the summer.) P-Card Custodian (Principal) will review Financial Secretary’s Reconciled Online charges/Log/Receipts. Both Financial Secretary/Principal sign Transaction Log Scan Log and Receipts and e-mail to by June 4th.

OKLAHOMA ARTS COUNCIL (OAC) A. Audrey Fitzsimmons, Grant Manager ( will notify Treasury, Budget, and School Site once the OAC Grant is Awarded 1. Treasury: records receivable in MISC grant sub-ledger (1004800000 Oklahoma Arts Council) 2. Budget: loads budget accordingly at the school site XXX11048 3. School: creates two (2) Purchase Requisitions (PRs) in SAP, which is routed through release strategy i. PR Business Area (BA) 11 to the Artist Vendor Number – for the Project Budget amount as per OAC application to pay artist ii. PRAF BA 60 to Vendor – OKC-Student Activity Funds (#301591) – in the amount of the OAC required 10% match to be paid by the District. B. When both PRs are released (approved), Purchasing Dept. creates two (2) Purchase Orders (POs) 1. PO (BA11) is emailed to Artist 2. POSAF is mailed to Treasury C. Workshop takes place (week-long, semester-long) 1. School GR BOTH POs indicating program is complete 2. School submits Final Report and request for payment to OAC D. Artist submits invoice to Accounts Payable (noting BOTH PO #s) which is entered against the two PO’s (BA11 and BA60) AP mails check to Artist in the amount of the Project Budget. School Treasury receives check from OAC in the amount of Project Budget and records it against the receivable.

Kit-A-Kid Campaign (BluSource # 307383) BluSource has established an OKCPS Kit-A-Kid Website. ( School Supplies funds from parents/sponsors must be receipted into Cost Center XXX60936. Complete Requisition Form (total # of Kits and Bulk Items) & Signed by Principal Create PRAF PR a. General Ledger (G/L) # 5219961900 b. Cost Center XXX60936 c. Internal Order (9041050 Elem; 9040000 Mid/High) Vendor will be #307383 BluSource Requisition Form serves as Quote - Upload to PR First Line needs to read: “SAF-KIT” separate lines for each (Kits/Bulk Items) Access Website, create order, put PR # in Order Notes, and park the order. (i.e. like Staples) PRAF PR follows the Release Strategies depending on dollar threshold. PRAF PR converted to SAF PO by Purchasing. Purchasing will access Website, add the PO number to order, and submit order for processing. (Orders will not be shipped without PO number) The Secretary must enter Goods Receipt (GR) for items received BluSource will send individual Invoices w/ PO # to Accounts Payable (

Questions from the Audience