T.K. Hemmick for the Stony Brook Crew Stony Brook Update T.K. Hemmick for the Stony Brook Crew
If cryos are cold, Why is it smoking? Cryo compressor on loan ONLY unit in the United States. We are 1st “loaner” customer for RICOR cryos. Cryo is cold and working. 1st four Production GEMs are in evaporator!
For every pump that is recovered… Dead Alive Power failure (Friday night) killed Scroll pump. Fortunately, our multiple troubles with scrolls left us with a spare! Installed Saturday morning (hope for the best)
Need to make QE system faster. New dual-measure pAmmeter. New LabVIEW-based QE DAQ. Location via “string pot” Dry run of system using “current box” as source expected today.
More efficient data collection from GB Maestro (PC-based MCA software). Automated Gain Saturation Curves: One spectrum every 5 minutes. Root macros to plot gain curve. Automated Gain Map: Prompts user VOCALLY to move cable to next signal. New patch panel eliminates 50-ohm terminators. Complete map (56 pads) in one hour!
Maestro File handling of last week was “by hand”. Now uses multiple data fields from the user to ensure is all correct. Implemented via: Cygwin installation on Maestro machine. Perl/Tk GUI for use interview. Launches Maestro from perl
HBD is inside glove box waiting… Caps inside. Thorough cleaning. Test of GEM install. Test of sides install. Ready for production.
Valve-Legs Conflict. After a long series of discussions with Rob Pisani, we found the ideal orientation for the valves from the viewpoint of installation. Most orientations were impossible due to interference with HV box or magnet pole face. However the solution we found conflicts with legs.
Valves as presently installed. Leg Mount Points Handle Orientation Vital Temporary Bypass Gas Inlet
Comments on Valves: Install does not imply that valves must remain in this state permanently. After all, if you can put on any plumbing inside of the glovebox you can also take it off. Plumbing-based solutions (initially suggested by Rob) would interfere with the detector's rotation during GEM installation and thus would necessarily be applied only after the GEM installation was complete. We believe that it would be difficult but not impossible to work on the plumbing of the detector once it is inside the glove box. We have enough material (and time) to make new gussets with notches to accommodate the valves.
Schedule for Production First shot tomorrow (Wednesday July 18) Two shots next week. Photo-cathodes installed before July 28. Plenty of time for mid-August delivery.