Unit 5 “I Can” Statements Mark out the statements on the following slide after you have achieved each.
Unit 5 “I Can” Statements I can talk about how I get to school, how others get to school, and some school activities (e.g. clubs, classes) I can conjugate any –ar verb to the present tense (i.e. Nosotros, Vosotros, Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes). I can say the irregular and regular forms of IR (to go), DAR (to give), y ESTAR (to be) and use them in various sentences. I can use conjugations of IR + Place / Verb Infinitive (i.e. ir a -ar) to say someone is going somewhere or “going to” do something. I can ask what time an event/activity is and say what time an event/activity is. (using “¿A qué hora?” y “a la[s]”). I can ask or tell where someone or something is going using the verb IR (to go) and ¿Adónde? (To where?). I can correctly use the verb ESTAR (to be) to ask where someone/something is and to state where someone/something is. I can correctly use “a” en español with regard to time, a location, or a person. I can correctly use the contractions “al” and “del” and also the personal “a.” I can say various numbers 1.000.000<. I can describe the version of Halloween in Latin America, El Día de los Muertos.