1 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection Types of Businesses and their Needs 01/06/20141 This item is directed at professional advisers only and should not be distributed to, or relied upon by retail customers.
2 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 2 Topics to cover... Sole Trader Partnership Limited Company Quoted Limited Company
3 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 3 Tax We offer information about tax within this presentation, based on our interpretation of current UK Tax legislation. Tax rules are subject to change and their value depends on the customers circumstances.
4 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 4 Sole Traders Occupied in pursuit of profit through trade, profession or vocation Turnover (financial measure of gross outputs) can relate to goods supplied, time charged and/or work completed Expenses are those costs incurred in achieving turnover The difference is net profit (or loss)
5 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 5 Sole Traders Net profit is taxable each tax year Losses are carried forward or set against other income (or carried back in certain circumstances) In calculating taxable profit or loss, adjustments are made to accounts profit in accordance with Revenue legislation Taxable Profits are charged to Income Tax (there are separate rules covering Capital gains) Capital involved in business represented by information in balance sheet
6 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 6 Sole Traders Protection Needs... Personal Life/Critical Illness Income Protection (Health) Loan Protection Key person for employees IHT mitigation, Pension etc
7 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 7 Partnerships More than one person sharing a business venture Governed by an agreement between them Joint and several Only able to contract as individual(s) on behalf of business Principles of Sole Trader accounting followed but with Profit/Capital split in accordance with partnership agreement
8 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 8 Partnerships Each partner responsible for submission of their profit share to HMRC but often dealt with by Partnership Secretary. Same calculations as for sole trader but with added requirement to account fully for capital shares Each partner will have capital in business
9 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 9 Partnership Protection Needs... Each partner needs personal life and critical illness cover Each partner needs income protection Each partner needs loan protection The Business Needs... Key person protection Loan protection for business loans Capital protection based on each partners share of value in the business
10 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 10 Limited Liability Partnerships Growing trend Same as standard partnership with: Joint and several liability restricted to their subscribed capital Partnership is legal entity so can contract in the name of the partnership Partnership registered with Companies House and returns need to be made Some measure or creditor protection stipulated
11 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 11 Limited Liability Partnership Protection Needs... The partners of the company would want to: Protect their share of the business be ensuring that profit is not impacted by the death or critical illness of key employees Assurance that in the vent of a partner suffering death or critical illness funds are available for the surviving partners to purchase the deceaseds share from their estate Any borrowings are protected if their repayment is dependent on key employee performance
12 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 12 Small Limited Companies Bound by Memorandum and Articles of Association Registered at Companies House Returns have to be made to Companies House Employees are salaried Shareholders own business and potentially receive dividends Company has a legal identity and can contract
13 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 13 Small Limited Companies Protection Needs... The shareholders of the company would want to: Protect shareholder value by ensuring that profit is not impacted by the death or critical illness of key employees Assurance that in the event of a shareholder suffering death or critical illness funds are available for the surviving shareholders to purchase the deceaseds shareholding from the estate Any borrowings are protected if their repayment is dependent on key employee performance
14 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 14 Quoted Limited Companies Larger businesses Broader shareholder base Audits required Deeper return obligations (Companies House and Stock Exchange) Employees are salaried Shareholders own the business and potentially receive dividends
15 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 15 Quoted Limited Companies Protection Needs... Protection in the event of a member of senior management suffering death or critical illness Protecting profit in the event of the death or critical illness of key employees Protection against any adverse consequence of the death of a major shareholder
16 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 16 Businesses Keeping Financial Records All businesses have to file tax returns with HMRC and some have to lodge financial information with Companies House Standard format: Profit and Loss Account Balance Sheet (sometimes not required for a sole trader) Management Accounts Business Plans Project Plans These are varied dependent upon the type of business
17 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 17 Accounting & Tax For income: Profit and Loss Account Records revenue matters ie. Gross Income less cost of sales = Gross Profit Reduced by expenses incurred in running the business = Net profit HMRC have their own rules regarding expenses so the accounts lodged with HMRC will have an adjusted profit calculation HMRC rule is that only expenses wholly and exclusively incurred (in the achievement of profit) is allowable
18 Friends Life Protection Account Business Protection 18 Accounting & Tax For Capital: Balance sheet This shows the position at a point in time of how the business is funded It indicates where money has come from and how it has been used It reveals a value of assets (but not necessarily market value) It is a snap-shot and as such is often positioned in best light!
19 Important Information 19 The Friends Life Protection Account allows the customer to hold a number of protection covers in one place. These covers have no cash in value at any time. Covers are subject to acceptance terms and conditions. Friends Life Protection Account is available to people who, at the start of their cover, are living in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland and are aged 18 or over. Certain covers are affected by becoming resident outside of these countries. Please see the individual cover sections within the Key Features Document which is available on request. An account fee of £2 per month applies regardless of the number of covers selected. Friends Life, PO Box 1810, Bristol BS99 5SN. Telephone: Friends Life Services Limited distributes and administers financial products and services and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, register No ( A company limited by shares, registered in England No , registered office: Pixham End, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1QA. As part of our commitment to quality service, telephone calls may be recorded.