Welcome to Year 1
Staff Class Teachers – Monday and Tuesday – Miss Lozynskyj Wednesday to Friday- Mrs Hoskin Teaching Assistants – Mrs Hewett and Mrs Hayes
Expectations A big ‘step up’ from Reception National Curriculum No Tapestry (weekly spellings with information) Learning is fun – practical and creative Expectation to work hard Reward system in Y1 – positive praise, special stickers! Encourage independence
Daily Routine Visual timetable Morning starter – Maths or English Daily phonics sessions and focus groups Daily Maths and English Topics: RE/Science/Computing, Art/DT/PSHCE/ Music linked to the topic where possible
Other routines P.E - Target setting, spelling test, SPAG and handwriting Learner of the Week and Superstar of the Week Daily CW, Songs for Worship School councillors - PSHCE Owl Adventures Circle times - worry box/reflection area/feelings board
English Handwriting (weekly session, handwriting mats) Joining handwriting Range of genres Story writing/report writing Spellings - segment, key words spelt correctly, weekly test (look, say, cover, write, check) Daily phonics/spelling rules in school Phoneme fingers and mats Reading – understanding is very important Spoken English skills – role play, hot seating, ‘show and tell’ and use of iPad for assessment
Maths Number and place value – count to and across 100, count in multiples of twos, fives and tens Addition and Subtraction – number bonds, catching the number and counting on Multiplication and Division – using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays Fractions – half and a quarter of objects, shapes or quantities Measurement – lengths and heights, mass/weight, capacity and volume, time, money, dates Geometry – 2D and 3D shapes, position, direction and movement
What/how will we be learning? History/Geography/Art/DT/ Music/Science/Computing RE Drama based where possible- interactive/hot seating English/writing skills used across curriculum Book corner Role Play area Outside learning
Topics We have looked at what the children are interested in and are currently planning topics for the year Our first topic is journeys Please send a postcard to the school over the summer
Phonics screening check takes place in June Year 1 Phonics Phonics screening check takes place in June Daily phonics Letters and Sounds
Library Y1 Library day to be confirmed Please encourage children to use the library
We will contact you if extra is needed at home Home learning Spellings Reading Times Tables We will contact you if extra is needed at home
Communication Open door policy- if you have any concerns then please do pop and see us – two way communication is vital Start of day End of day ( meetings) always best to make an appointment to see us if a lot of discussion needed Occasional note in book bag if we need to see you Verbal through your child Office staff may ring parents Year One teachers communicate through handover book, phone calls and e mails
Research around topics Encourage good listening skills How can parents help? Reading Spellings Times tables (2, 5 and 10) Research around topics Encourage good listening skills Have fun and enjoy Y1
Thank you ! Many thanks for all your support throughout KS1 . Children will do their very best when school and home work together . We are very much looking forward to forming a positive relationship with both your child and yourselves. Have a great Summer break!