Outline of Employment Chapter of UN Flagship Report Employment Chapter Working Group
Chapter OutlinE Introduction International legislation Short. Recommend report has introductory chapter explaining the CRPD and the place of disability in the SDGs Employment situation of people with disabilities (moved up from below) National policies and Programs UN activities to promote employment Conclusions/Recommendations
Employment Situation What is the employment gap between people with and without disabilities? What are the differences in the type of employment? (e.g., self-employment) How sensitive are these findings to how disability is defined? Type of questions (table) Cut-off (example from US data)
Employment rates by disability and questions used to define disability Do you have a disability? Washington Group or functional questions Employment Rates Country % with a disability People with a disability People without a disability
Issues to be discussed Employment gap Type of employment Decent work gap Wages Trade union membership Harassment and violence at work Interaction with age and disability
Employment Policies Inclusive general employment policies Policies specific to people with disabilities
General Policies Employment guarantees/public employment programs Vocational training Public sector employment Micro-finance and entrepreneurship Labor market implications of social protection programs Describe policies, guidance on how to make more inclusive, case studies where available
Disability Specific Policies Anti-discrimination policies Reasonable accommodations Enforcement mechanisms Quotas Return-to-Work (after disability onset) Supported employment Sheltered workshops Describe policies, advantages/disadvantages, case studies where available
UN Activities ILO propaganda
Conclusion Include a set of recommendations tied directly to the issues discussed And in all of our extra space…. maybe some interpretative poetry
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