Find the next page in your notebook that has not been written in on either side and title it: Cell Theory Foldable Step 1: Fold ONE piece of paper “hotdog style” inward towards the center of the notebook.
ALL organisms (LIVING things) are composed of Step 2: Draw a line to separate your foldable into three equal parts. Step 3: Label the OUTSIDE flaps exactly as shown to the right. Front of Foldable ALL organisms (LIVING things) are composed of One or Many CELLS A cell is the smallest, BASIC unit of LIFE ALL cells come from EXISTING CELLS
Step 4: Open the foldable and divide the inside into three section as well (as shown below) Inside Left Flap Inside Right Flap
Write the following info. inside the first flap titled: All organisms (living things) are composed of ONE or MANY CELLS Inside Left Flap Inside Right Flap Cells can be unicellular (uni= one) Cells can be multicellular (multi= many) Multicellular organisms contain cells that have different structures to perform different functions.
In the TOP LEFT flap under the words, write the name and draw these examples. You only need to draw the basic shape of the organism. DO NOT label each of the organelles (internal structures) within the examples. Bacteria
In the TOP RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples In the TOP RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples. Write the description/function of each cell type listed. Nerve cells send and receive messages Blood cells carry oxygen Sperm cells have flagella (tail) to allow movement
Write the following info. inside the second flap titled: A cell is the smallest, BASIC unit of LIFE Inside Left Flap Inside Right Flap Cells can be unicellular (uni= one) Cells can be multicellular (multi= many) Multicellular organisms contain cells that have different structure to perform different functions. Nothing SMALLER than a cell can survive independently. NOT all cells are microscopic. Some are large enough to be viewed with the naked eye.
Cell = Smallest unit of life In the MIDDLE LEFT flap under the words, draw this flow map. You do not have to put the words in circles as shown. Cell = Smallest unit of life
In the MIDDLE RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples In the MIDDLE RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples. Write the description of each cell type listed. Microscopic cell Ex. Plant (Elodia) cells Non-microscopic cell Ex. Unfertilized Ostrich Egg
Write the following info. inside the third flap titled: ALL cells come from EXISTING CELLS Inside Left Flap Inside Right Flap Cells can be unicellular (uni= one) Cells can be multicellular (multi= many) Multicellular organisms contain cells that have different structure to perform different functions. Nothing SMALLER than a cell can survive independently. NOT all cells are microscopic. Some are large enough to be viewed with the naked eye. Cell division occurs creating an EXACT copy of the parent cell Prokaryotic cell division occurs FASTER than Eukaryotic cell division because prokaryotes are SIMPLER cells than contain LESS organelles.
In the BOTTOM LEFT flap under the words, draw and label this diagram. Offspring Bacterial Cell Parent Bacterial Cell
In the BOTTOM RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples In the BOTTOM RIGHT flap between the words, draw these examples. Write the description for each replication type listed. Prokaryotic cell division method: Binary Fission Eukaryotic cell division method: Mitosis