“TOP-010-1: Data Quality, Analysis Quality, and Alarm Process Monitor” Peak RC Users Group Meeting Discussion Panel Lloyd Center 2201 Lloyd Center Portland, OR 97232 Real-Time Reliability Monitoring and Analyses Capabilities “TOP-010-1: Data Quality, Analysis Quality, and Alarm Process Monitor” — presented by — Stacen Tyskiewicz Supervisor Energy Management Systems BPA Transmission Technology May 3, 2018
— Presentation to system operators; — Quality and criteria; and Today’s Topics Introduction and Agency Overview; Data Quality: — Presentation to system operators; — Quality and criteria; and — Real-time assessments (RTAs). Analysis Quality: — Types of analyses; — Criteria; and — Actions to address analysis quality. Alarm Process Monitor: — Implementation; and — Notification mechanism. Questions.
Agency Overview Bonneville Power Administration: — Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is a federal agency established in 1937; — BPA’s service territory includes the Pacific Northwest and consists of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of California, Montana, Nevada, and Utah: BPA’s transmission system contains more than 15,000 miles of high voltage lines. About 75 percent of the high-voltage grid in the Pacific Northwest. See below: Key functions: — Builds, owns, operates and maintains a transmission system to integrate and deliver power from federal and non-federal generation to regional customers in the Pacific Northwest and between the Northwest and other regions; — Assures resource adequacy to meet the Pacific Northwest region’s firm power requirements; — Markets wholesale power generated from federal dams (but does not own the dams) and markets power acquired from non-federal generation; and — Protects and enhances fish and wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. — BPA is registered with NERC for the following functions:; Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Transmission Owner, Transmission Planner, Transmission Service Provider, Planning Authority/Planning Coordinator, and Resource Planner. — Member Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) Reserves Sharing Group and Frequency Reserve Sharing Group
Data Quality How does BPA present quality of real-time data to system operators? How is the quality of the data determined and what is the criteria? — BPA has multiple operating processes and procedures addressing data quality issues; — The online SCADA Guide describes the visual representation indicating the data quality received from its sources to the system operators:
— If the data element is from a station where BPA is not the Transmission Operator, the real-time study engineers will contact that entity to determine the correct value and data-quality issues and errors may be forwarded to the Energy Management Systems (EMS) group to be corrected. Data Quality How does BPA determine if real-time data quality is affecting the real-time assessments: — BPA’s real-time study engineers primarily utilize State Estimator to asses the quality of the analysis used in performing real-time assessments. Several criteria have been established to assess analysis quality, and each has an associated display screen in State Estimator: Bus mismatch; Company summary; Cost summary; Measurement mismatch; Telemetered network data; and When data quality has the potential to impact BPA’s real-time assessment, the real-time study engineers follow the procedures in the PSST State Estimator (RTNET) Debug Guide to address the issue, including: Working with Dispatch to correct non-telemetered values in SCADA; Overriding Local control in State Estimator SCADA; and Setting an estimated value in State Estimator; Topology estimation.
Sample Displays Telemetered Network Data Display Cost Summary Display Bus Mismatch Display Topology Estimation Display Measurement Mismatch Display Company Summary Display
Data Quality BA Function: How does BPA address the quality of real-time data: BA Function: — BPA generation dispatchers are trained on how to address data quality issues, including the loss of ICCP, and interchange quantity; and — Procedures also include directions for estimating interchange values when necessary, which requires coordinating with the affected BA to provide BPA’s estimated value, obtain the BA’s estimate, or obtain their known “good” value. TOP Function: — When data quality has the potential to impact BPA’s real-time assessment, the real-time study engineers follow the procedures in the PSST State Estimator Debug Guide to address the issue; and BPA generation dispatchers are trained on how to address data quality issues, including the loss of GenICCP, SCADA ICCP, and interchange quantity their actions may include: Clicking the “ICCP frozen button” on the AGC console (which freezes interchange to the last “good” quality value); Requesting Grand Coulee to go to local control at 60hz; and Communicating with internal and external entities regarding the status of BPA’s analysis capabilities. When data quality has the potential to impact BPA’s real-time assessment, the real-time study engineers follow the procedures in the PSST State Estimator (RTNET) Debug Guide to address the issue, including: Working with Dispatch to correct non-telemetered values in SCADA; Overriding Local control in State Estimator SCADA; and Setting an estimated value in State Estimator. — If the data element is from a station where BPA is not the Transmission Operator, the real-time study engineers will contact that entity to determine the correct value and data-quality issues and errors may be forwarded to the Energy Management Systems (EMS) group to be corrected.
— The real-time study engineers will: Analysis Quality What actions does BPA take to address analysis quality and who takes these actions? — The real-time study engineers will: Take steps to correct the State Estimator case when any of the quality criteria exceed their predetermined limit; Work with BPA’s dispatchers, as well as external entities, to correct missing or “bad” values used in their analysis; and Use estimated values based on real-time system conditions, when necessary.
Alarm Process Monitor What was BPA’s alarm process monitoring implementation? — BPA has developed and implemented an alarm process monitor application that runs on all Energy Management Systems. The application is run in conjunction with other EMS applications on the server (and is started and stopped along with them). — The alarm process monitor application makes a request to the alarm process every five minutes (the frequency is configurable) with a test alarm message that is not visible, by default, to dispatchers or the Network and System Operations Center group. — The response of the alarm application triggers acknowledge and delete requests of the test alarm.
Alarm Process Monitor When failure occurs, what is BPA’s notification mechanism to the system operators? — The application uses the Alarm API to send requests to the alarm process to post, acknowledge, and delete alarms. The post and acknowledge requests result in callbacks to the application, providing the status of the request. — If a callback for a post or acknowledge request is not received within 60 seconds (also configurable), the application will send an error message to the Windows Application Event Log. — Network and System Operations Center would respond to the resulting alert in Splunk (event log monitor) by notifying the senior dispatcher on shift at each control center, indicating which system is affected.
Questions? Placeholder notes Real-Time Reliability Monitoring and Analyses Capabilities “TOP-010-1: Data Quality, Analysis Quality, and Alarm Process Monitor”