Statistical analysis of the influence of network regulators on topology clusters in the oleate network. Statistical analysis of the influence of network regulators on topology clusters in the oleate network. Discrete microarray expression data were overlaid onto the network, and topology clusters significantly enriched for up‐ or downregulated genes were identified. Results are displayed as in Figure 2 except that up‐ and downregulated gene enrichments are shown as red bars above the x‐axis and green bars below the x‐axis, respectively. Also, for significantly enriched clusters, the number of up‐ or downregulated genes is given. For the overlay of oleate induction expression data (5 h oleate induction versus low glucose (A)), genes upregulated by oleate are most significantly enriched in three topology clusters binding Oaf1p and Pip2p, whereas downregulated genes are enriched in two clusters binding Oaf1p and not Pip2p, most prominently the AOY cluster. The integration of transcription factor deletion array data (deletion strain induced for 5 h versus wild‐type strain induced for 5 h; B–E) with the network suggests that Oaf1p contributes to both of these effects, whereas Pip2p and Adr1p contribute only to the gene activation observed in the presence of oleate. In addition, genes targeted by only Oaf1p are enriched for genes upregulated by oleate and genes upregulated by Adr1p. No significant effect of deleting OAF3 was observed (E). Jennifer J Smith et al. Mol Syst Biol 2007;3:115 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend