Effects of A Career Change Element 1
Who am I????? Masks V/S Hats Parents Family School Navy What Now?
Confucius say Man who stand on toilet is high on pot! Indications…. What are the Keys? Who holds the secret? How does it effect me? Why can’t I wrap my head around it?
What can I do? Coping Can I make this go faster? It’s going tooo fast! I need answers Now! Don’t tell my wife/husband
What about when enough is enough? Resources I don’t want to see a Doctor! The VA can’t help me! College isn’t hard, Why don’t I get it? Fleet and Family is a bunch of quack’s I just want to sleep, there’s nothing wrong! Leave me Alone!
Questions? What phase of Separation is the most stressful? What one single resource has the largest number of options available with out talking to a live person?