5 6 7 8 9 A B Pearland ISD 2018 – 2019 Math Course Sequencing Pathway Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Pathway A Grade 5 Math Grade 6 Math Grade 7 Math Intro to Algebra Algebra 1 Grade 5 TEKS Grade 5 STAAR Grade 6 TEKS Grade 6 STAAR Grade 7 TEKS Grade 7 STAAR Grade 8 TEKS Grade 8 STAAR Algebra 1 TEKS Algebra 1 EOC All Learners Pathway B Grade 5 Advanced Math Grade 7 Advanced Math Intro to Algebra Advanced Algebra 1 Advanced Geometry or Pre-AP Grade 5 and 6 TEKS Grade 5 STAAR Grade 7 TEKS Grade 7 STAAR Grade 8 TEKS Grade 8 STAAR Algebra 1 TEKS Algebra 1 EOC Advanced or GT Learners 1/29/18
Pearland ISD Math Course Sequencing Transition Details Grade 5 to Grade 7 Advanced Transition Students transitioning from Grade 5 Math to Grade 7 Advanced Math will be accelerating a grade level. Credit for Grade 6 Math will be granted upon successful completion of the Grade 6 Math Credit by Examination. Grade 6 to Intro to Algebra Advanced Transition Students transitioning from Grade 6 Math to Intro to Algebra Advanced will be accelerating a grade level. Credit for Grade 7 Math will be granted upon successful completion of the Grade 7 Math Credit by Examination. Grade 7 to Algebra 1 Advanced Transition Students transitioning from Grade 7 Math to Algebra 1 Advanced will be accelerating a grade level. Credit for Intro to Algebra will be granted upon successful completion of the Intro to Algebra Credit by Examination. 1/29/18