What is rhetoric? Rhetoric (n) - the art of speaking or writing effectively. Content = WHAT Rhetoric = HOW
What is exigence? Exigence is the event/issue/situation a text or speech is responding to
What is the exigence for Lac Su’s article?
What should we know about the communicator? What are his/her demographics and do these provide clues about the communicator’s relation to the subject? What does the communicator have to gain or lose as a result of the communication? What are the communicator’s investments in the issue?
Ethos! The communicator must be trustworthy! What’s the most important appeal (ethos, pathos, logos) for a communicator? Ethos! The communicator must be trustworthy! Ethos requires authority on a subject, a virtuous character, and good will
What do we know about Lac Su?
Purpose: What does the Communicator want? Purpose is often multilayered and can typically contain several purposes
Purposes of informing To inform people about the existence and purpose of a certain events that will enable them to decide whether to attend or not To inform them about developments that help them with their well-being To provide information to help people solve a problem or complete a task To provide information that will help them make a decision about something
Purposes of Persuasion To persuade people to adopt a certain position on a topic To persuade them to act in a certain way To set policy on an issue To critique or condemn things or actions To provoke comments To make people think differently about a topic To prompt them to reflect on their own actions
Aesthetic and Literary Purposes To make people laugh To appeal to their sense of wonder, mystery, or fantasy To help them understand more deeply a particular person or way of being
Purposes of Scholarly Inquiry To present new knowledge to a scientific or scholarly community To challenge established views with new evidence and arguments
What is Lac Su’s purpose(s) for writing “Tiger Mothers” Leave Lifelong Scars?
Audience: Who is the communication for? Addressed audience—people who actually receive a text and interact with it Intended audience—people imagined by the author. The text creates roles and invites the audience to occupy those roles.
Answer the following 5 questions to help you think about the audience’s role in communication What does the intended audience know or believe about this topic? What is the audience’s purpose in reading the text? What does the audience think of the communicator? What is at stake for the audience? What do they stand to gain or lose as a result of the communication? In what circumstances will audience use communication and how does that influence its format?
Genre a category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. For example: letters, blog posts, contracts, advertisements, novels, textbooks, etc.