: Jupiter By: Emilia Lacy
WHERE IS Jupiter? Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It is one of the outer planets because it is located outside the asteroid belt. Asteroid Belt
How big is Jupiter? Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its radius is about 43,000 miles while the Earth has a radius of about 4,000 miles. That means Jupiter’s radius is over ten times the size of Earth’s!
How did Jupiter get its name? It got its name from the roman name of the sky god Zeus. It was named after Zeus because he was the biggest of all the gods and Jupiter was the biggest known object in the sky.
how many moons does Jupiter have? Jupiter has 67 moons in total. The moon closest to Jupiter is Io. The second closest moon is Europa. The two large outer moons are Ganymede and Callisto. These are also Jupiter’s 4 biggest moons.
What is weather on Jupiter like? Jupiter is the stormiest planet in the solar system, lighting is always flashing. The temperature on the surface of Jupiter is freezing! The coldest temperature on Earth is -139 F while the coldest temperature on Jupiter is -234 F! Coldest temp on Jupiter Coldest temp on Earth -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100
What is Jupiter known for? Jupiter is known for being the biggest planet in the solar system. Its also known for the Great Red Spot, a storm on Jupiter that has been raging for hundreds of years.
How did Jupiter get its symbol? The symbol for Jupiter has been described as: A stylized number four, or, An artistic version of Jupiter’s (Zeus’s) thunder bolt and the letter zeta which is the Greek letter “Z” for Zeus.
What satellites have visited Jupiter? Only 2 satellites have done a fly by of Jupiter: Pioneer 10 and Voyager. Pioneer 10 did a fly by in 1973. Voyager did a fly by in 1979. Pioneer 11 almost made it to Jupiter before it was last heard from in 1995.
Does Jupiter have rings? Jupiter does have rings, Voyager discovered them in 1980. Even though Jupiter does have rings, the are only visible when Jupiter passes in front of the sun. Jupiter has faint, narrow rings. They are made up of dust and tiny pieces of rock. Jupiter has 3 rings, 2 Gossamer rings and 1 main ring. Jupiter also has a halo.
Does Jupiter have a bigger gravity than Earth? Jupiter has a much higher gravity than Earth (around 2.5 times as much!). It’s so much higher that if you weighed 75 pounds on Earth you would weigh about 185 pounds on Jupiter. 75 Pounds 185 Pounds!
How long does it take Jupiter to orbit around the sun? It takes Jupiter 11.9 Earth years to orbit the sun! It takes Jupiter so much longer because it orbits from a distance of almost 500 million miles from the sun.
What is Jupiter made out of? Jupiter is mostly made out of gas (Jupiter is one of the gas giants). It is made of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. Even though Jupiter is made out of gas, if you reach the core it is solid.
Does Jupiter have clouds? Yes, Jupiter does have clouds. Jupiter shows a pattern of clouds of white, brown and orange clouds. Then there is the Great Red Spot, Jupiter’s largest cloud. Jupiter’s clouds from the surface
5 interesting facts about Jupiter Jupiter has 50 known moons and 17 are still awaiting confirmation about their discovery. Jupiter is 2.5 times heavier than all the other planets put together! It is predicted that Jupiter has an inner, solid core about the size of Earth. Jupiter is 778 million km or about 500 million miles from the sun. Jupiter isn’t massive, it’s REALLY massive! The mass of Jupiter is 318 times the mass of the Earth.
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