2018 Sponsor Partners A charity with REAL impact Clean Water & Sanitation- Rotary International has identified clean drinking water and sanitation as key international initiatives, basic commodities lacking in many developing countries. Our Club appropriated funds for such a project and then proceeded to obtain a series of matching grants through Rotary that produced a nearly $100,000 project that brought sanitary toilets - for the first time - to 13 girls’ schools in India. Polio Eradication- Rotary’s signature international project since the mid-1980s. From more than 200,000 cases reported annually in dozens of countries, polio has been reduced to a handful of cases in only two countries. Sponsorship opportunities Premier Sponsor - $5,000 Exclusive sponsorship of a major game, 10 gala tickets, advertisement on all types of media prior to the event, extended slide presentation signage during the entire event, two wall banners at the event Platinum Sponsor - $1,000 Exclusive sponsorship of a major game, 8 gala tickets, extended slide presentation signage during the entire event, two wall banners at the event Gold Sponsor - $750 Sponsorship of a major game, 6 gala tickets, slide presentation signage during the entire event, one wall banner during the event Silver Sponsor - $500 Sponsorship of a major game, 4 gala tickets, slide presentation signage during the entire event Bronze Sponsor - $300 Sponsorship of a major game, 2 gala tickets, slide presentation signage during the entire event 2018 Sponsor Partners YES! Sign me up to sponsor the Rotary Cares - Games & Gala Charity Event Premier Sponsor - $5,000 Platinum Sponsor - $1,000 Gold Sponsor - $750 Silver Sponsor - $500 Bronze Sponsor - $300 Contact me for more options Contribution Amount: $_______ A charity with REAL impact Date & Location February 24, 2018 – SATURDAY St. Paul the Apostle Parish Center 6-10 pm 900 St. Paul Drive Richardson, TX 75080 Please complete this form and return with check or credit card form to: Richardson East Rotary Foundation P.O. Box 831765 • Richardson, TX 75083 Telephone: 214-906-6427 Tax ID# 46-0502289 501(c)(3) www.rerotaryclub.com/gala/ Contact: Email: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Rotarian Name: www.richardsoneastrotaryclub.org www.rerotaryclub.com/gala
Rotary Cares Our Causes Clean Water & Sanitation- Rotary International Rotary is an organization you can count on to be efficient and effective with the hard-earned dollars you commit to our causes. When you give to our Club and its Foundation, the money goes straight to work, and most of that work happens right here in our community. The Foundation has no paid staff and almost no overhead. Rotarians provide the labor. All of the net proceeds from our Rotary Cares event go directly to the projects and charities we support. Every sponsor dollar the Foundation receives goes right back out to our community, either directly from the Foundation to those in need or through one of the many local and international charities we have vetted for years. Rotary is the world’s largest member-based nonprofit service organization. It engages community leaders and doers to do together what can’t be done alone. Our Club’s major goals this year are to increase community engagement with the Club, raise more funds for our projects and partner with the City of Richardson for planning, creation and promotion of its first all abilities playground. Clean Water & Sanitation- Rotary International has identified clean drinking water and sanitation as key international initiatives, basc commodities lacking in many developing countries. Our Club appropriated funds for such a project and then proceeded to obtain a series of matching grants through Rotary that produced a nearly $100,000 project that brought sanitary toilets - for the first time - to 13 girls’ schools in India. Polio Eradication- Rotary’s signature international project since the mid-1980s. From more than 200,000 cases reported annually in dozens of countries, polio has been reduced to a handful of cases in only two countries. Our Causes Education/College Scholarships - We give a minimum of three college scholarships per year to Richardson students who have performed well in the classroom, but need financial assistance to continue their education. At least one community college scholarship is awarded, with the balance provided to students attending four-year institutions. Inclusive playgrounds cost more than traditional playgrounds due to the specialized equipment and accessible surface needed. This will be Richardson's first fully inclusive playground. RERC will host an annual picnic adjacent to the playground as an ongoing service to the community. Our second annual picnic for the Playground is scheduled to take place on Sat, June 17, 2018. For more information and/or to make a donation, visit our website: https://www.rerotaryclub.com/playground/ Dental Clinic - Two members of the Club founded the Rotary Dental Clinic in 2009. This facility provides free dental care to Richardson ISD students out of the Network of Community Ministries facility Richardson East Rotary Club continues to support the clinic financially and with volunteers. Inclusive Playground - Imagine a place where children (and their families) with diverse abilities can come together and participate in meaningful play! The Richardson East Rotary Club has teamed up with the City of Richardson to MAKE IT HAPPEN! As our club's Signature Project , we are charged with raising $250,000 to make this inclusive playground at Cottonwood Park a reality. Clean Water & Sanitation – Rotary International has identified clean drinking water and sanitation as key international initiatives, basic commodities lacking in many developing countries. Our Club appropriated funds for such a project and then proceeded to obtain a series of matching grants through Rotary that produced a nearly $100,000 project that brought sanitary toilets - for the first time – to 13 girls’ schools in India. Polio Eradication - Rotary’s signature international project since the mid-1980s. From more than 200,000 cases reported annually in dozens of countries, polio has been reduced to a handful of cases in only two countries. The Richardson East Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation www.rerotaryclub.com/gala/