Tools to Lead Change
Just-in-Time Management Advice Agenda Shift Happens – the pace of change A Change Model – for those who need one What do we need to lead change? Communicating to different personality types Change communication worksheet Dealing with resistance to change Group change readiness profile 3 Things Just-in-Time Management Advice
Just-in-Time Management Advice A Brief History of Time Someone entering the workforce this year was born in 1992: Always had ATM’s Never known a world without the internet Think the effects in Star Wars are cheesy Never used a map or the yellow pages Don’t know what an Answering machine is Cold war is ancient history Popcorn has always been micro-waved. Have never bought a record Titanic was found? Didn’t know it was lost. Never seen a rotary phone Only know one Germany Never had a polio shot, and probably haven’t heard of it. Just-in-Time Management Advice
Just-in-Time Management Advice Moving Through Change As your employees move through change they will go through 3 phases: Endings – Anger, Denial, Resistance, Mourning Exploration – Chaos, turmoil, hope New Beginnings – New routines/methods, optimism, stability Just-in-Time Management Advice
Even when things go well: People will still move through various emotions Resistance arises when people realize change is difficult You need to keep people on track despite obstacles Just-in-Time Management Advice
What is personality? A person’s preferred style of behaviour We are “creatures of habit” So, tend to be consistent over time and situations Some Measurement systems: Myers Briggs Type Indicator DiSC Insights
Just-in-Time Management Advice Tailor your message: Just-in-Time Management Advice
Overcoming Resistance And Dealing with Difficult Behaviour Just-in-Time Management Advice
Coping with All Types of Difficult Behaviour Focus on the behaviour, not the person Identify the type of behaviour, and strategize a response before reacting Understand the root cause Avoid public showdowns Determine if the conversation can continue Be aware of the impact of the behaviour on you Don’t make excuses for the person Do Something Just-in-Time Management Advice
Just-in-Time Management Advice What Should I Do? Understand that employees will react differently Expect some resistance to change Provide focus Proactively share information Acknowledge resistance when it occurs Tow the line Involve employees where possible Repeat key messages over and over Listen Validate good work done in the past Just-in-Time Management Advice
Just-in-Time Management Advice 3 Things Give people tools to cope with change, don’t enable their resistance to it Expect resistance – it is normal Treat people as individuals, and realize they will deal with change differently Just-in-Time Management Advice