The best green building solutions for You OPIC Conference, May 2010 SUNDAYsystem TM
Company Information AmTech, Ltd. Located in Southern part of Poland, near the City of Rzeszów, is a manufacturer of light, galvanized steel frame trading under name of SUNDAYsystem TM. Our main focus is the production of light steel frames for residential and commercial buildings using SUNDAYsystem TM technology, a proprietary technology developed by the firm, which is also the sole owner of the SUNDAYsystem TM licensing rights. Since 1996 we have applied SUNDAYsystem TM in the construction of many commercial and residential projects in Poland and across Europe.
At AmTech we have on staff: Our own production facility Erection teams Experienced staff of structural architects
Who we target Developers Institutional and private investors interested in a fast and solid building technology that is designed to be very efficient, with low ongoing energy costs
AmTech can build: single-family houses social houses building additions hotels commercial buildings fill-in walls flooring systems individual projects We also offer the licensing to the SUNDAYsystem TM technology
External wall details U=0,25 W/m 2 K 7. Drywall 6. Anti-vapor insulation 2. Acoustic tape 1. SUNDAYsystem TM construction 4. Mineral wool insulation 3. Cetris or OSB3 board 5. Foamed polystyrene or hard mineral wool 8. Elevation finish
SUNDAYsystem TM uses two shapes (C and U) in two sizes each… … which are produced from steel stripes...
… in wall panels …
… and roof trusses.
TransportWall panels assembly Floor beams How it works:
Roof trusses assembly Roofing
Internal installations
Universality - used in single and multi-family dwellings, residential and commercial buildings, expansions of existing buildings and fill-in walls Short construction cycle - assembly of the frame including walls, floors and roof as well as applying the OSB board takes approximately 4-10 days. The process is complete in 3 months Ease of assembly - light elements are assembled manually - no need for cranes Durability - life-time guarantee for the galvanized steel frame Energy efficient - excellent thermal insulation of the building; heat-transfer factor is U=0.25 W/m 2 K Competitive advantages of AmTechs technology:
Flexibility - the interior design is at the discretion of the end user, ability to later add on an addition, easy interior design changes Materials spectrum - any given building materials may be used for the facade, roofing, windows or doors Weather and seasonal flexibility - the majority of finishing works are carried out year round under the completed roof because there is no wet process involved (except foundations) High quality - top quality frames are ensured by an in-house control system that monitors the process from production to erection Proven track record - similar systems have been utilized on a mass scale in a number of countries over the past dozen years. Rapid growth has been noticed in recent years in this type of building industry in Poland Competitive advantages of AmTechs technology:
SUNDAYsystem TM Benefits: Minimum influence on environment One wood frame house ¼ a. of forest One SUNDAYsystem TM house - three junk cars
Excellent thermal characteristics : Less energy consumptionextra saving Healthier environment Emphasis on green finishing materials: Less CO 2 emission
Green technology at work:
Green technology at work: Housing estate in Munina Development, Poland
For additional information, please contact me directly at: Glogow Mlp., ul. Fabryczna 10 POLAND office tel cell Tad Niedzielski CEO