Helping Children to Self-Regulate
What is Self-Regulation? A way to learn how to find BALANCE in order to improve personal well being Three Areas of Focus Include: Physical Emotional Cognitive
How can learning Self-Regulation help? Improves: Learning Behavior Academic Performance Social Interaction
Isn’t this common sense? Individual rely on: Learned helplessness Impulsivity
Poor Self-Regulation may lead to… A feeling of “no control” More likely to be victims of bullying Extremes- Extreme thoughts/ Extreme behaviors
So…How will Self-Regulation help? Will learn to self- reflect Recognize the need to change Implement a skill to return to balance
Foundation of Self-Regulation Individuals must be Calm to learn and problem-solve effectively Humans have little control over their environment, but a great deal of control over their Responses It should Not be assumed that students have learned to regulate their own behaviors
What are the 3 Areas of Self-Regulation? First component: Physical- How does the Body react to stressors
May Look Like: Clenched fists Red face Loud voice Headache Upset stomach
Strategies for Physical Self-Regulation Recognize warning signs Establish a Safe Place Utilize Cool Down Strategies: Repetitive Movements Stretching Breathing and Relaxation Remove from Stimulation Distraction Visualization
What are the 3 Areas of Self-Regulation? Second component: Emotional- How can we own and accept responsibility for emotions/ How can we express emotions in a healthy way
May Look Like: An overflow of emotions Outbursts Reactive responses Inability to manage feelings
Strategies for Emotional Self-Regulation Identification and Labeling Expression Training Feelings Depictions Emotional Safe
What are the 3 Areas of Self-Regulation? Third component: Cognitive- How our thoughts activate behavioral responses
May Look Like Negative and unhealthy thoughts Extreme thoughts leading to extreme behaviors
Strategies for Cognitive Self-Regulation Problem-solving skills Planning and organization Forming healthy beliefs about ourselves and the world around us Learning about patterns of behavior
So…How Can I Help My Child?
Help to express emotions in a healthy manner Learn warning Signs Help to produce positive thought processes
Help empower your child by learning the strategies of self-regulation!