Placer County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Mountain Rescue Team Leg Splinting Mini Training 11/22/2018
Objectives Teach MRT Team Standard Ensure Safety is First Three Step Learning Process Present the concept Demonstration the concept Hands on learning 11/22/2018
Safety Use Applicable PPE Gloves, face shield, etc. 11/22/2018
Supplies Kendrick leg splint 11/22/2018
Initial Assessment/Treatment Expose area Evaluate location of fracture Verify mid-shaft femur Fx if using Kendrick Splint – if not, splint in place and do not apply Kendrick splint If not sure of the location of the Fx, don’t use Kendrick Apply manual traction (stabilize leg) If open, bandage Check CMS Circulation (distal pulse, cap refill) Movement – move toes Sensation – check for distal feeling Splint above and below the Fx 11/22/2018
Apply Splint Apply ankle strap – pull green strap to tighten Apply waist strap with tubes on outside 11/22/2018
Apply Splint Adjust and insert pole so that end is ~8 – 12” below foot Apply yellow knee strap to hold pole Connect yellow tab into end of pole 11/22/2018
Tighten Splint Pull red tab to apply tension (max 10% of body weight or 15 lbs.) Look for relief Apply straps – green lowest, red thigh Recheck CMS 11/22/2018
Demonstration 11/22/2018