Lecture 14 Z80 Application Program Hong, Youpyo @ DGU
Score Averaging Program Let’s write an Z80 assembly code for the score averaging program (basic version). Assume that the scores are stored in ROM from the address 1000H. You need to average the scores for one class only. You do not need names of students because all we need is just the average. Store the average in the address 1010H. Note that no division is available in Z80 instruction. But you need “divide by 10” operation.
HW #9 (70 point) Download Z80 Emulator from http://sourceforge.net/projects/z80toolsforwind/files/Z80Emu.exe/download Write the score averaging program using Z80 instruction. Confirm if your code works as intended using Z80 Emulator. You must submit 1) Z80 source code 2) Screen capture of the last step of the emulator to prove that the output is correct. It is due May 15 in class