An AHS Media Library Production “Late Blooming Daylilies” BROOKSIDE GARDENS, BALDWIN, NY Region 4…..Zone 7a Thanks to John Stahl for the images contained in this presentation.
LOVELY PINK LADY is unique in that it starts bloom as early as June 30th, continuing until August. It then takes a break for two weeks, and resumes blooming. It frequently blooms then until Mid November. You will notice changes in both form and color over time. In late October to November, the colors become much paler, and the eye is less distinct.
DROOPY DRAWERS by Jim Murphy not only has a long bloom period, but extends from mid-late to late season.
ALMOST ALL GREEN, a small deep yellow from Heather Herrington, with a deep green throat, has a bloom season which extends for six weeks from Early July to Late August.
Blooming for five to six weeks, from mid July to late August, Brian Mahieu’s “CORAL HUMMINGBIRD” is a wonderful crispate UF. The color is an unusual salmon with a rose red eye. Fertile both ways. Somewhat rhizomatous in growth habit.
“AMOR ULTIMA” is a lovely, large apricot single from Isabel Hibbard, a Long Island hybridizer. It blooms for two weeks in early to mid August.
“HEARTBREAK RIDGE” is a large open form rose-pink bitone “HEARTBREAK RIDGE” is a large open form rose-pink bitone. It’s a borderline late, blooming from late July through late August.
A mid-late to late, “JERSEY JIM” sits on 50” scapes and blooms from mid July to mid August. A glowing gold unusual form, it can be seen from any point in the garden.
“PICK ME UP” is a 5-inch bright red with a beige edge that adds a good shot of color to the late garden. It increases very well, and makes a terrific clump.
Photography by John Stahl Equipment: Canon EOS30D SLR, with 28-85mm f3 Photography by John Stahl Equipment: Canon EOS30D SLR, with 28-85mm f3.5 zoom lens, 100mm f2.8 macro lens, and 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens.