Dr Sue Barrell, Australia EC 70 Doc 7.1; WIGOS Dr Sue Barrell, Australia Co-Chair, ICG-WIGOS
WIGOS Ready by Cg18 After Cg18 (June 2019): WIGOS Open Implications for future: Support to Members? Programmatic structure? By Cg18 (June 2019): WIGOS Ready Progressively: Integrating data & partners; Regional WIGOS centres Pilot WDQMS OSCAR operational
WIGOS Pre-operational Phase Increased emphasis on regional and national activities Five main priority areas: National WIGOS Implementation, Case studies - coordination and governance mechanisms; Data & Partnerships; National WIGOS observing systems assessments Done or in progress: Saudi Arabia, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leon, Papua New Guinea Next: Canada, Tanzania, Kenya, …
WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (II) Increased emphasis on regional and national activities Five main priority areas: WIGOS Regulatory Material, supplemented with necessary guidance material; Metadata Standard WIGOS Information Resource, OSCAR development, especially OSCAR/Surface WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Regional Structure; Regional WIGOS Centers, reports from PRAs
Main objectives for WIGOS leading up to Congress-18 in 2019 What will it take to be WIGOS Ready by Cg18? Steps required by PO, Members, PRAs and PTCs Outreach, education and training, activities, projects New edition of the Manual on WIGOS Integration of Manual on the Global Observing System New Metadata Standard New CGMS Baseline Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) What will an operational WIGOS look like Programmatic structure post-2020; alignment with WMO governance reform Implications for partner systems
EC-70 Doc 7.1 (WIGOS), Key elements: Draft resolution on the updated Guide to the WIGOS (WMO-No. 1165); Draft decisions on: Further establishment of Regional WIGOS Centres in all Regions, WIGOS Station Identifiers related issues, Development of an OSCAR/Surface User Interface in all WMO languages; Draft recommendations to Congress on: Establishment of a Global Basic Observing Network, Vision for WIGOS in 2040.
Draft Resolution 7.1/1 — Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165) Acknowledging with appreciation the further development of guidance material in accordance with Resolution 2 (EC-69), namely “Guidance on the National WIGOS Implementation”, “Guidance on WIGOS Data Partnerships”, “Guidance on establishing Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System Centres in pilot phase”, and “Technical Guidelines for Regional WIGOS Centres on the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System for surface-based stations of GOS”, {…} Requests: the Secretary-General to publish the Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System in all WMO official languages, the Intercommission Coordination Group on WIGOS to further develop and enhance the Guide with additional material as it becomes available in accordance with Resolution 2 (EC-68),
Draft Recommendation 7.1/1, EC-70 Given the state of the core observing systems supporting the Global NWP Systems and other core WMO application areas, EC Requests CBS to design a Global Basic Observing Network to meet threshold requirements for Global Numerical Weather Prediction and Global Climate Monitoring (Analysis) as established by the Rolling Review of Requirements Process, with a view to respective contributions of space-based and surface-based components of WIGOS; Requests ICG-WIGOS to develop the relevant provisions outlining the obligations of WMO Members and Regional Associations regarding the implementation of the GBON in the new edition of the Manual on WIGOS and submit to Cg-18 in 2019
Draft Recommendation 7.1/2; Vision for WIGOS in 2040 {…the Council} Decides to endorse the current draft Vision for WIGOS in 2040 (hereafter/thereafter referred to as “Vision”) as provided in the annex to the present recommendation, Recommends that the 18th World Meteorological Congress approve the Vision for WIGOS in 2040 in the final draft form submitted to it, Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps to finalize the draft Vision and provide it to Members, WMO technical commissions, regional associations, fellow UN agencies, other international organizations, and private sector representatives, for their review prior to its submission to Congress-18 in 2019, Requests technical commissions to contribute to the finalization of the draft Vision as needed,
Draft Recommendation 7.1/3 — WIGOS in the WMO programmatic structure from 2020 onwards {... the Council} Decides to endorse the recommendations from ICG-WIGOS as provided in the annex to the present recommendation, Recommends to the 18th World Meteorological Congress that WIGOS be designated essential WMO infrastructure with the role of providing the observational basis for all WMO programmes and application areas
Recommendations from icg-wigos-7: WIGOS must continue as a core WMO activity supporting all WMO programs and application areas, and it must continue to involve all regions and technical and scientific discipline areas; WIGOS must be given a clear and permanent status with a governance mechanism that is firmly anchored in the WMO constituent body structure; Rather than affiliating WIGOS with an existing program or creating a new program, there is a preference for considering WIGOS as “Basic WMO observational infrastructure”; as such it should include and fully integrate the observing components of all existing and emerging WMO programmes in support of all WMO’s activities; It was pointed out that the WMO Information System (WIS) and eventually also the Global Data Processing and Forecast System (GDPFS) have similar roles and could be seen together with WIGOS as core elements of such infrastructure; Continued effort will have to be devoted to the removal of any barriers to working together across different user communities, program areas, and scientific disciplines, including both WMO and co-sponsored observing systems; without pre-empting any particular outcome of the governance reform discussions, this issue must be directly addressed in the restructuring; In order to further increase the level of integration of the various WIGOS components and to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of the work, the Secretary General is encouraged to organize the Secretariat support of WIGOS along lines that mirror the eventual outcome of the governance reform.
(not included in the draft document) New CGMS Baseline approved in June 2018 At its 46th Session held in Bangalore june 4-8 2018, the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) approved its new Baseline the CGMS Baseline defines the contribution made by the member space agencies of CGMS to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System; it describes the system and services to which the CGMS member agencies maintain an operational commitment The CGMS Baseline thus provides the description of the space-based component of WIGOS in the Manual on WIGOS This new Baseline will be incorporated in the new edition of the Manual on WIGOS to be submitted to Cg-18 Commitment of the CGMS space agencies to WMO and to WIGOS continues to be strong; The new Baseline may be further updated with stronger language regarding the commitment of the agencies to free and unrestricted data sharing.
Thank you Merci