School Advisory Councils


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Presentation transcript:

School Advisory Councils

What is a School Advisory Council? The sole group responsible for final decision-making at the school relating to school improvement implementation. Governed by Section 1001.452, F.S. The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community, and those persons closest to the students. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The district school board is responsible, by Florida law, for establishing an advisory council for each school in the district and shall develop procedures for the election and appointment of advisory council members. Each SAC shall include in its name the words "school advisory council." Section 1001.452(1)(a), Florida Statutes

Who serves on the School Advisory Council? Each council is composed of the principal and an appropriate balance of Teachers Support Employees Parents Students-HS/Career Schools Business and Community Citizens A SAC should be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school. Certain members are elected by their peers, while business and community members are appointed, and the principal automatically serves. Only students in secondary schools serve on a SAC. It is also a requirement that the majority of the members of the School Advisory Council are persons who are not employed by the school district. s. 1001.452(1)(a), F.S..

Composition 1 Each required membership group should have representation. While a principal is an automatic member of the SAC, assistant principals and deans may attend meetings but are not considered voting members. A majority of members should not be employed by the school district. 51% should be non-district employees/non-contract service personnel. The ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school should be represented. 2 Note: There are some rules/exceptions for required membership groups. Career center and high school advisory councils shall include students, and middle and junior high school advisory councils may include students. School advisory councils of career centers and adult education centers are not required to include parents as members. Note: “ethnic” refers to Hispanic or Non-Hispanic. “Racial” refers to demographic subgroups: white, black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. “Economic community” refers to the economic status of households within the community. 3

Elected Members The district develops procedures to ensure SAC elections are fair and equitable (refer to Continuous Improvement notebook), and that Teachers are elected by teachers Support employees are elected by support employees Parents are elected by parents Students are elected by students Note: SAC bylaws will establish the terms of membership and a process for ensuring staggered terms to provide continuity on the SAC. Students may serve on the SAC, but must be of middle or high school age. Elections typically occur at the beginning or end of the school year. Voting can occur at meetings or by mail, using written ballots or a show of hands. Ballots are counted, recorded, and retained. Ballots and voting records should be kept by a SAC officer, and the results are to be reflected in the official SAC minutes. Procedures in the bylaws may include the means of ensuring wide notice of vacancies and elections: School Marquee Newsletter School or District Websites or Platforms PTA Open House / Curriculum Night

How are business and community members selected? The district develops procedures for schools to use when selecting business and community members that: Ensure wide notice of vacancies Seek input on possible members from local businesses, chambers of commerce, community and civic organizations, and the public at large District Policy The nomination of business/community members may be submitted by Council members or Principal. The selection of business/community members must be made when the composition of all members, excluding business/community members is made up of 51% of non- district/non-contractual service employees.

What are the roles and responsibilities of the SAC? The SAC is a team of individuals who work together to accomplish the goals of the school by Assisting in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan (SIP) The District requires a SIP Planning Workshop/Meeting. The SIP must be approved and documented by the Council. Approving the use of school improvement funds to support implementation of the SIP Assisting in the preparation of the school’s annual budget The annual budget must be approved and documented by the Council. The SAC reviews relevant data (which is much more than test scores), identifies problem areas, develops improvement strategies, monitors their implementation, and then starts the whole process over when the next round of data is available. The SAC is the final school group to approve the SIP before it is submitted to district.

School Improvement Funds The General Appropriations Act provides each SAC with funds to be used for implementing the SIP. Expenditures must Be tied to programs or activities in the SIP and must be used to enhance school performance Not be used for capital improvements Not be used for any programs or activities that extend more than one year The principal or district staff may not override the recommendations of the SAC . *If funds are insufficient to provide $5.00 per student after the distribution of school recognition funds, the available funds will be prorated. The money is sent by FDOE to each district, which forwards allocations to each local school’s SAC.

What are the responsibilities of the principal? Ensures the council is comprised of properly elected representatives Provides leadership in the development, revision and implementation of the school improvement plan Submits the SAC-approved SIP to the district for school board approval Keeps members informed of relevant policies and activities of the school, district, and state

Are SACs subject to open government laws? Yes! SAC meetings must be conducted appropriately and in accordance with Florida’s Sunshine Law.

What information should be included in SAC Bylaws? Purpose and Function of the SAC Membership Representation Membership Election, Selection, and Replacement Procedures Tenure and Terms Officers Meetings Procedures for Voting Rules of Order *Perhaps it would be a good idea to bring copies of official SAC bylaws as a frame of reference? Note: Example: Robert’s Rules of Order (

Who serves as chair of the SAC? Any member of the SAC can be elected to serve as chair. Some SACs choose to elect co-chairs so that a parent or community member and a school-based member can lead jointly. We recommend that neither a principal (in order to invite greater shareholder involvement) nor a student (due to lack of experience and maturity) fills this role.

What are the responsibilities of the SAC Chair? Notifies all members of upcoming meetings and votes Facilitates SAC meetings Informs SAC of relevant issues related to school improvement activities Ensures minutes are recorded and filed promptly Ensures a quorum is present before an action item comes to a vote We’ll learn more about minutes later in the presentation. Quorum – A majority (50% + 1) of the voting members of the council shall constitute a quorum.

Meetings and Attendance Meetings should be held at a time and in a location that is convenient and comfortable for parents, students, teachers, and business and community representatives The district recommends a vote on time and place of meetings. Notice Community should receive at least seven days’ notice of regularly scheduled meetings. Members should receive at least three days’ notice of action items that will come before the council. Procedures for replacing members who have two consecutive, unexcused absences Note: Attorney General Recommendation suggests at least seven day notice of meetings

Meeting minutes must… Include the names of those in attendance, distinguishing between SAC members and the public Reflect topics discussed and any actions taken by the council Be approved at the next SAC meeting, and kept permanently on file. Be made available to the public within a “reasonable” amount of time The District requires biannual approval by the Board (January/June). Notes: Minutes are considered public records upon creation, not approval. As a best practice, barring a district requirement to the contrary, a 24-48 hour would be a reasonable timeframe for minutes to be publicly available in draft form.

State School Improvement Assurances Each year the District is required to submit to the Bureau of School Improvement a document of “Assurances” indicating that the District and every school is in compliance with The state And District policy There is no “Get Out of Jail Free Card”! Ouch!

District Needs SPAR Accountability Distribution Audit Form by August 31, 2017 SAC Roster and Amended Bylaws By September 22, 2017
