Our journey towards Easter Holy Week 2018 Our journey towards Easter
What makes it difficult to follow our faith? Jesus struggled with what his Father asked him to do. Wednesday 28th March 2018 At Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to be spared from the destiny which God had set out for him. What makes it difficult to follow our faith?
His friends betrayed him in his time of need. Wednesday 28th March 2018 Jesus asked his closest friends to stay and keep watch with him as he prayed: they fell asleep. When the soldiers arrived with Judas, Jesus allowed his disciple to betray him. When have you failed to support your friends in their time of need? How could you support them now?
As we read the psalm, think about all times when you have let your friends down and not followed your faith. Response: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Leader: They divide my clothing among them. They cast lots for my robe. O Lord, do not leave me alone, my strength, make haste to help me.