XBRL in Europe What’s going on ? Olivier Servais, XBRL in Europe – Permanent Secretary XBRL Int’l Steering Committee – Member Monday, 7 November 2005
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo 22/11/2018 XBRL in Europe The Project Theme : “Speeding up the development and adoption of XBRL in Europe” Budget & Duration: About 1M EUR (137.775 M Yen) for 2 years (Feb 04 –Jan 06) Focus on Increase awareness Founding jurisdictions Key features Dedicated resources (PS) Affiliate to XBRL International Neutral & Independent ICT dimension Outcome 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Agenda Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
XBRL in Europe Jurisdictions in Jan ‘04 Established Germany The Netherlands United Kingdom Provisional Ireland Spain In construction Sweden Belgium Denmark In project
XBRL in Europe Jurisdictions in Nov ‘05 Established Ireland Germany Spain The Netherlands United Kingdom Provisional Sweden Belgium Denmark France In construction Poland Italy Luxemburg Hungary Portugal Turkey In project Slovenia, Austria, Greece, Malta, Czech Republic, Norway
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo What’s up ? Agenda Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo 22/11/2018 XBRL projects in Europe Players Tax authorities Banking supervisors & banks Securities regulators & stock exchanges Statistical agencies Reporting issues, locally and trans-nationally Local GAAP and/or IFRS Basel II (COREP) Statistics Corporate governance Benefits: Time & money savings Improving transparency Reliable & comparable data 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
The Dutch Taxonomy Project Taxonomy for Dutch financial reporting Annual accounts Taxes Financial statistics Issues: Identifying companies Reporting frequency Types of reports and status Audit reports Interdepartmental project Ministry of Justice Ministry of Finance
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
Borsa Italiana’s vision concerning XBRL Borsa Italiana view of XBRL Borsa Italiana’s vision concerning XBRL Listed comps Adobe Intelligent Form (pre-defined) Excel (pre- defined) XBRL instance builder The instance document could also be sent to: Listed company’s website Info vendors Media Regulators NIS Borsa Italiana public website XBRL validator Errors msgs DBMS XML XBRL Borsa Italiana
Self-assessment MPSnet: il workflow Thursday, 22 November 2018
Belgian XBRL projects Organisation Application Target Target date 22/11/2018 Belgian XBRL projects Organisation Application Target Target date Central Balance sheet office Collection of raw data Statistical process 270,000/year 1 April 2007 Supervisory reporting Every consolidated bank 1 January 2006 Data dictionnary Every bank Companies Tax filing (ISOC) Collection of VAT data TBD Use of taxonomies in Belgium CBFA extension of the IASCF taxonomy (FINREP compliant). COREP taxonomy. NBB Balance sheet taxonomy (BE GAAP).
CSO Process Inside the CSO At Respondent As before, the respondent fills in the data each quarter and submits it. The forms are produced each quarter for all respondents participating. (Quarter is specified) Periodically, bunches or individual forms can be uploaded into SAS. This panel has information in relation to each individual step above. Visible on the slideshow. The respondents upload their xbrl instance into the CSO secure internet drop box. All instances “dropped in” are made available to operative inside the CSO. The CSV file is uploaded into SAS. Edit checks already built into SAS fire off and are considered. The respondents enter their data and click on the button to save an xbrl instance. Taxonomy, and the code is mainly touched once, or when form contents change. The instances received are imported in bunches and a CSV file is produced for each bunch. The individual forms are emailed by CSO staff. (manually on pilot thus far as 7 in no.) Taxonomy produced. Future model should just involve publishing the taxonomy.. Fujitsu Taxonomy Editor used to model the facts in a taxonomy Previous Form available in Excel Taxonomy used to produce VBA code – i.e. Hard code worksheet cells into element names. Original form and VBA code make the excel form template - hard code xbrl in the background. Code and template used to produce indivualised forms for all respondents. Taxonomy used to produce code that will translate Instances into CSV upload file. Separate code and spreadsheet allows the template to produce indivualised forms. The respondents receive an excel form which works on Excel97 onward “out of the box”. No addins.
9X,XX% Basel II compatible COmmon REPorting 22/11/2018 Basel II European Law 9X,XX% Basel II compatible Directives 2000/12 & 93/6 Transposition into national Legislation Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 25 National Regulation FSA 1 FSA 2 FSA 3 FSA 25 National Implementation Report 1 ------------------------------------ Report 2 Report 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XBRL challenge!
1st European XBRL Conference for Financial Services Theme : How XBRL will improve Financial Services reporting by 2006 Hosts : XBRL in Europe, with CEBS Keynote speakers: José Maria Roldan (Chairman of Committee of European Banking Supervisors), Pierre-Yves Thoraval (Member of Basel Committee), Peter Praet (Member of the Board of CBFA), Tom Jones (Vice-Chairman of IASB) and representatives of the European Commission and banks (Deutsche Bank, San Paolo IMI + Borsa Italiana) When: 29 June 2005 10.00 – 17.00 Where: Chartered Accountants Hall, London Size: 180+ attendees Audience profile: Bankers and supervisors 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
3rd CEBS XBRL Workshop The concept Purposes : To provide technical background & knowledge in order to explain how to take advantages of XBRL; To show to the audience that real software solutions are available and can be implemented at the local banking supervisory level; To show the achievements of the process initiated by CEBS on February 2005; To show how it works in national regulatory environments, but nevertheless supervisors will get even more leverage by implementing COREP and FINREP together with international cooperation. Duration & form: Workshop from Tues 13 Sept 12.30 to Fri 16 Sept 13.30 Audience : supervisors only (+ guests) from 22 EC countries Location: National Bank of Belgium - Brussels Vendors: attending (12, on invitation only after RFP) to show solutions 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Agenda Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? Jurisdictions development XBRL projects in Europe What’s next? 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
XBRL in Europe Some results 22/11/2018 XBRL in Europe Some results XBRL as single format for making consistent quality and compatibility of financial reporting 5,000+ attendees to ca. 80 sessions Regulators & supervisors started making its use mandatory Securities exchanges recommending its use XBRL working groups in almost every EU countries Improving cooperation between Europe and rest of the world New XBRL uses are now considered : tax filing, anti-money laundering, Central balance sheet office… 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
XBRL International in Europe Our objectives 22/11/2018 XBRL International in Europe Our objectives Support European Jurisdictions: starting jurisdictions, marketing and communication, coordinating support for pan-Europe taxonomies, assisting jurisdictions in TRP, networking, educational needs… Closer and more in tune with European requirements and business requirements, while maintaining a strong link to XII to assure harmonisation with global XBRL common interests To be a model for further regional development around the world Basic principles: Think global, act local KISS 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
New proposal : eXTRA XBRL Toward Real Adoption Focus on: XBRL Horizontal Deployment Taxonomy development coordination XBRL- GL Support to Jurisdictions’ Constitution Project management Consortium members : XIIE, Chato d’O, PwC, IASCF Deep jurisdiction involvement Budget : about 1,4M€ Agenda : 21 Sept – 15 Nov – Q2/06 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005
12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo 22/11/2018 音楽 olivier.servais@xbrl-eu.org +32 2 702 64 82 +32 2 702 64 75 +32 497 456 456 www.XBRL-eu.org Arigato 12th XBRL International Conference - Tokyo Monday 7 November 2005