Conversations that Count Project: Advance care planning Presentation to HQSC Challenge Forum, Wellington 25 September 2012 Hilary Boyd
Conversations that Count Project Project goal: to encourage conversations about death and dying amongst families and in communities so that people can plan for their deaths and get the care they want at the end of their lives
Co-design workshops Goal: work with the community to develop resources and training to encourage conversations about planning for death and dying 4 workshops 15 hours 114 participants
Workshop themes: How people talk about preparing for death and dying How to talk about death and dying with communities What should be in a written guide and what training people need Create new conversations with communities
Toolkit Goal: to provide volunteers with practical resources they need to run community sessions Talking about death and dying Preparing for a session 18 session modules
Training Goal: to provide volunteers with the skills they need to run community sessions 2 groups 2 days training per group 31 attendees
Impact/Outcomes Began conversations about planning for death and dying in the community. Toolkit 18 session modules 27 volunteer communicators 19 community sessions 172 participants
“I found our sessions very enlightening “I found our sessions very enlightening! I was amazed at the many topics we discussed, they truly opened my eyes to what is available to people facing end-of-life. Not knowing what is available can lead to fear and isolation. It would be wonderful to get this information out to the community so people could make decisions for themselves, how to best look after themselves and face this phase of their life positively and without fear.” Community session participant