Title IX & Equal opportunity Annual Reports May 15, 2018 Presented by: Sybil Wyatt, JD, MA, MS Office of Affirmative Action
2016-2017 Title IX Report Reporting Period – August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2017 Includes complaints of sex, gender, or sexual orientation discrimination Full report available at https://info.umkc.edu/title9/ 151 individuals reporting 147 incidents classified into 142 alleged policy violations Not all incidents reported for this period occurred during this time; may have occurred as long as a few years ago. To note, not all reports proceed to formal complaints; reports = information regarding possible policy violations whereas formal complaints trigger investigation and disciplinary process.
Reports Received by Month Typical jumps in Sept and April, though reasons for this would be speculation.
Alleged Policy Violations by Type Sexual exploitation = alleged use of predatory drugs, sharing of intimate photos without permission, indecent exposure, voyeurism, etc. Sexual misconduct = 23 non-consensual sexual intercourse; 3 non-consensual sexual contact (2016: 12 = contact, 12 = intercourse, 1 = exposure of genitals). General/other = not based on sex/gender, reports from witnesses who could not identify parties actively involved in incident, reports made in good faith by mandated reporters.
University Affiliation of Parties
Location of Alleged Incident
Interim Remedies Issued by Type (139) NCO = 12 automatically triggered due to investigations, but can be issued when both parties are in agreement; this occurred seven times. IT = solely electronic incident with referral to Information Systems for assistance.
Sanctions by Type (46) Other = educational conversation with Respondent concerning their behavior or Respondent required to attend mandatory training or counseling.
Resolution of Formal Complaints by Type Dismissal = no jurisdiction of OAA; administrative = decided by Equity Officer (Director of AA). Informal = student administrative process (in lieu of hearing panel); administrative = employee administrative process.
2016-2017 Equal Opportunity Report Reporting Period – August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2017 Includes complaints of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, genetic information, protected veteran status, religion, or disability, & retaliation Full report available at https://info.umkc.edu/hr/affirmative-action/ 64 reports 57 internal; 7 external agencies 77 incidents Three individuals reported experiencing more than one type of discrimination; two reported more than one incident of discrimination. External agency reports are typically investigated by OAA, with a response provided to the agency after conferring with GC.
Incidents by Discrimination Type Reports based on sex are typically in our Title IX report; however, the six noted here were alleged in conjunction with discrimination based on other protected categories (3 external; 3 internal).
University Affiliation of Parties Students were complainants in 39 reports; employees in 22 reports. Affiliated = associated with university (vendors, volunteers). Unaffiliated = not associated with the university in any way.
Resolution of Internal Investigations (10) Withdrawn, 1 Summary Resolution, 6 Ongoing/Pending, 1 Of the 57 internal reports, 10 were investigated. Administrative Resolution, 2
Reports Not Formally Investigated (47) No Jurisdiction, 3 No Protected-Class Discrimination Reported, 16 Chose Not to Pursue, 28
Affirmative Action Initiatives Development of online video guides for adjunct faculty resource center Revise AA training for HR’s Supervisory Development Series Training on disability accommodations Renewal of Green Dot efforts Updating employee demographic data for AAP Departmental dialogues