4th period chemistry Dr.Buckner MSIP Research Presentation 4th period chemistry Dr.Buckner
Introduction BACKGROUND
Our science question Is there a relationship between the length and width of cracks? Are cracks located next to craters?
Why is this question important? We have noticed various cracks that are on top of craters, along edges of craters, and under craters. Different physical features such as length, width, and having little “cracks” coming out the side
Hypothesis The longer the crack, the wider the secondary cracks. The shorter the crack, the smaller the secondary cracks.
Definitions Fault Crack A planar or gently curved fracture in the Earth's crust across which there has been relative displacement. http://www.geotech.org/survey/geotech/dictiona.html#sectF Crack A break without complete separation of parts Fissure http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/crack?s=t
Faults can occur in any orientation and at any angle to horizontal (remember that this angle is known as the dip of the fault), but an active fault's orientation and dip are not necessarily random. Fault properties are influenced by the regional stress field created by tectonic activity. http://www.data.scec.org/Module/sec1pg21.html
A crack located within a crater Crater Primary Crack Secondary Crack http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20050225a
A crack located beside a crater Crater Primary Crack Secondary Crack http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20030327a
Experimental Design BACKGROUND
Used the THEMIS camera system from the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Visible imagine system Used THEMIS website to select images of faults and cracks searching within a set location Used Targeting link to select a location on Mars to image http://themis.asu.edu
Used the JMARS Program to explore the selected images Recorded Latitude & Longitude Record measurements Width of the crack At both ends At the center point At widest point At narrowest point Length of the crack Add any additional information of interest Such as closeness of a crater http://jmars.mars.asu.edu/downloads/jmars-msip.jnlp
Analysis Plan BACKGROUND
Bottom/Right End Width Data Table Lat Long Type of Crater Length of Crack Center Width Narrow Width Widest Width Top/Left End Width Bottom/Right End Width 38 219 Destroyed 21.6 2.1 1.3 2.3 2.8 32 244 112.2 3.6 2.7 6.6 1.2 1.8 26 138 Preserved 2.39 0.16 0.08 0.19 0.95 1.59 25 157 303 12.1 3.1 24 290 18.3 2.5
Average Crack Width The Average Crack Width was calculated by averaging the following data items: Width at top/left end Width at bottom/right end Width at center Width at widest point Width at narrowest point
Craters near the Cracks
Are cracks located next to craters Are cracks located next to craters? Investigated 46 cracks, only 12 were near a crater. About a fourth of the cracks that we investigated were near some type of crater. According to our collected data, not all cracks are located next to craters.
Initial Research Question: Is there a relationship between the length & width of cracks? Hypothesis: The longer the crack, the wider the secondary cracks. The shorter the crack, the smaller the secondary cracks. Final Data Analysis: While the linear fit showed a positive slope supporting the hypothesis, the r value was low implying that there is insufficient evidence to show a direct correlation.