Building section A vertical cut or slice through a structure that illustrates the type of foundation, wall, and roof construction to be used.
Cutting- plane line line on a floor plan that indicates the location at which a building section is taken.
Cross Section/Full BLDG section A building section that extends all the way across a building.
Partial building section A building section that cuts through half or more of the structure, but not its entire length.
Longitudinal building section A full building section taken lengthwise across the longest overall dimension of a building.
Transverse building section A building section taken crosswise across the shorter overall dimension of a building.
Typical section A building section that shows features or sizes that are used in many different places in the structure.
Specific section A building section that shows a feature, method, or technique that is specific to one location or instance in the building.
Wall Section A building section that shows details on one exterior wall.
Wall Stud A wall stud is a vertical framing member in a building's wall of smaller cross section than a post. They are a fundamental element in frame building.
Double Plate Bearing walls use the double top plates to transfer loads from joists above through the wall studs, through the sole plates, through the floor system to the beams, columns, foundations and footings.
Wall Sheathing Plywood sheets, usually 4’x8’, which are nailed to wall studs on outside.
Bearing Wall A wall that runs perpendicular to the direction of the floor joists and is designed to support part of the load of the structure.
Footing A reinforced concrete structure that supports the foundation wall by spreading its weight over a larger area.
Lintel A horizontal structural member that supports the load over an opening such as a door or window.
Dead Load static or fixed weight of the structure itself.
Live load A fixed or moving load that is not a structural part of the house; examples include furniture, occupants, and snow on the roof.