Temple of Apollo Delphi, Greece Let’s begin our pilgrimage to the center of the world.
Before reaching the temple, many had to undertake this arduous journey. Etched into the side of the mountain, the path to the temple is strewn with broken columns and remnants from the past.
Rugged terrain and steep inclines made travel to the temple of Apollo difficult. A winding path leads to the top of the mountain, where the oracle resided.
There, private citizens and public officials would come to consult the oracle, whom was said to speak the words of the god Apollo.
Delphi, Greece, was considered by the ancients to be the center of the world.
People came from all over Greece and beyond to have their questions about the future answered by the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo. And her answers, usually cryptic, could determine the course of everything from when a farmer planted his seedlings, to when an empire declared war.
Her attendants on each side of her The priestess --center
Dating back to 1400 BC, the Oracle of Delphi was the most important shrine in all Greece, and in theory all Greeks respected its independence. Built around a sacred spring, Delphi was considered to be the omphalos - the center (literally navel) of the world.
Temple of Apollo and amphitheater