A Silver Bullet for Training: Does it Exist?
Is e-learning a silver bullet? What is e-learning? How will we close the gaps between the promise of e-learning and the current reality of learning technologies? Is traditional classroom training dead?
We’ll Help You Consider... What will work best for you, classroom or e-learning? What should you look for in e-learning courses? What will e-learning success look like?
What makes e-learning different? The Old Way Training Passive Listen Just-in-case Classroom Graduate Static One-size fits all Training goals The e-Way Learning Interactive Learn by doing Just-in-time Anywhere On going Dynamic Personalized Business goals
e for explosive... e-learning is exploding…it is expected to double every year for next 5 years
On-line learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing Donna Abernathy, Editor of Training and Development, 1999
How do people learn?
What should e-learning be? experiential easy to use empowering explorative effective enlightening eclectic enriching educational enabling encompassing
Is there a silver bullet?