SS6H7: b Explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War and the rise of Superpowers H7b: Impact of WWII
WWII-The causes WWI-the way it ended. The Treaty of Versailles-placing all blame upon Germany Appeasement: No European country wanted to get involved in another war Therefore, they “appeased” (which means to keep peace, or avoid war) Hitler in Germany Rise of Totalitarianism: Dictators were on the rise and wanted MORE power and land (EX: Hitler or Joseph Stalin)
WWII: The Alliances Axis Powers Allied Powers Germany Italy Japan Great Britain France (only involved for 6 weeks) Soviet Union U.S. (later) Germany Italy Japan
WWII: How it started Germany BROKE treaty of Versailles Started building army INVADED POLAND in 1939 Allies then declare war on Germany Germany then invades France, Belgium, and several other countries Germany uses BLITZKRIEG tactic “Blitzkrieg” means lightning war
WWII: How did the US get involved? December 7, 1941 the Japanese BOMBED Pearl Harbor in Hawaii It was a Sunday morning - U.S. military was taken off guard 2 full blown attacks on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Impact/Damage on U.S. o 2,400 U.S. military and civilians lost their lives o 1,178 U.S. military and civilians wounded o 18 ships and 350 planes sunk or damaged
US bombs Japan w/Atomic BOMB Hiroshima August 6, 1945 In 43 seconds, the city collapsed to dust Nagasaki August 9, 1945 Leveled half of the city
How did WWII end? OPERATION OVERLOAD: allied invasion of France (called D-Day) Within 1 month 1 million Allied soldiers occupied Europe Germany surrounded with Allied soldiers on west and Soviet soldiers on East Germany surrenders in 1945 AFTER Hitler commits suicide
WWII OVER now what to do with Germany-the trouble maker?? Allied powers wanted to disarm Germany COMPLETELY US, France, and Great Britain wanted GER to establish a Democratic economy Soviet Union wanted GER to establish a COMMUNIST ECONOMY like they had People in GER and Japan were put on trial for being responsible for war
WWII is over Allied powers decide to divide Germany East Germany=Soviet control West Germany= US France Great Britain
What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust occurred DURING WWII in Germany and several concentration camps throughout Europe It was the systematic killing of 6 million Jews (genocide=the killing of a specific group/race in an area) 5 million others were killed (gypsies, mentally ill, homosexuals)
WWII=OVER…what now? The challenges facing Post War Europe were daunting (huge): Rebuild an entire continent devastated by total war Agreement between two rival ideologies: Capitalism and Communism The future of Germany Guarantee peace & prosperity for citizens Protection of the Jews
Establishment of Israel After World War II MASSIVE REFUGEE CRISIS Jews not allowed to or were unwilling to return to Eastern Europe because of continued anti-Semitism. Homes taken over=no where to live UN CREATED 2 states were created; one Jewish and one Arab. The Arabic countries did not accept this.
The United Nations (UN) Created in June 1946 Headquartered in NYC GOAL: promote peace among the world
What about the “winners?” US & Soviet Union are“Superpowers” Other countries (GB, France, Japan) suffered too much damage POST WWII to be a “superpower” Dividing GER and not agreeing on what type of gov’t to establish led to a “war” between the allied powers and Soviet Union.
Superpowers led to Cold War Time of great political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Berlin (city in Germany) was divided into two parts by Berlin Wall-known as the “Iron Curtain” It was not a real curtain but meant that one side could not cross to the other East-controlled by S.U. (communist) West-controlled by U.S (democratic)
Check point Charlie
Cold War It was not an actual WAR but rather a race of the superpowers Both U.S. and Soviet Union created nuclear weapons Both superpowers knew that using these against each other would result in world-wide destruction
Cold War continued In 1949 Western European countries, Canada, and the United States formed created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) NATO was an alliance to protect each other Eastern European countries signed the Warsaw Pact
Wrap Up Questions: What were the 3 causes of WWII? Who were the two alliances? Who was in each? Who was the Nazi party? Who was in charge? What is the Holocaust? What term means “hatred towards Jews?” Who was in charge of the Soviet Union during WWII and the Cold War? What 2 countries were “superpowers?”
Wrap up Questions continued: What is NATO? Who was involved? What is the Warsaw Pact? What was the Berlin Wall? Who controlled the EAST? Who controlled the WEST? What was the Cold War?
End of Soviet Union Spending money CONSTANTLY Ending Revolts Protecting Borders Keeping up with the U.S. By 1985 country was SO UNSTABLE that Mikhail Gorbachev took over Reduced gov’t control Increased freedoms
FALL OF SOVIET UNION & Reunification of Germany November 1989 Berlin Wall TAKEN DOWN Germany was beginning the process of REUNIFICATION EAST & WEST GER became one country in 1990 SOVIET UNION fell people wanted independence Several countries created, but RUSSIA was the largest