Go to next slide Check Your Multicultural MANNERS IQ. © 2011 Norine Dresser
Welcome to "Check Your Multicultural Manners IQ." Can you identify the following object used by an ethnicity or religion in the United States? This sample question is taken from a larger, playful illumination of customs practiced by those working and living around us. The purpose is to demystify the culture of "others" and break down the barriers between us. Go to next slide
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A. Contact lens model for ophthalmologists. B. Model for eye makeup. C. Talisman to ward off the evil eye. D. All of the above / None of the above. Choose the Correct Answer
The Answer: C. Talisman to ward off the evil eye. Belief in the evil eye as the cause of misfortune, illness, and death is commonplace all over the world. These amulets to counteract this powerful negative force are used by many ethnicities in the United States who came from North Africa, the Middle East, and Armenia. They are usually worn as necklaces. Evil eye amulets demonstrate a universal need for people to protect themselves and their loved ones from negative forces. Need a presentation for your in-house website? me: Return to