12 Angry Men Vocabulary
Trial related terms
Something planned or plotted in advance Premeditated Something planned or plotted in advance
Reasonable doubt Having no excessive, extreme, or illogical uncertainty about a situation ?
To avoid doing something by choice abstain To avoid doing something by choice
The outcome of a trial; the decision of the jury verdict The outcome of a trial; the decision of the jury
Based on complete, 100% agreement unanimous Based on complete, 100% agreement
Person who leads and speaks for a jury foreman Person who leads and speaks for a jury
The punishment given by a court of law sentence The punishment given by a court of law
to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime acquit to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime
To decide that someone is guilty of a crime convict To decide that someone is guilty of a crime
a reason for doing something Motive a reason for doing something
Cross-examination to ask more questions of a witness who has been questioned by another lawyer
A vote done anonymously Secret ballot A vote done anonymously
a person accused of a crime and taken to court defendant a person accused of a crime and taken to court
defense The legal team who represents the accused, or the defendant, during the trial
Prosecution The legal team who presents the case in a criminal trial against an individual suspected of breaking the law
required by a law or rule mandatory required by a law or rule
a jury that is unable to agree on a verdict – the result is a mistrial Hung jury a jury that is unable to agree on a verdict – the result is a mistrial
testimony something that someone says especially in a court of law while formally promising to tell the truth
kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly mercy kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly
Alternate juror A juror who is chosen to take another juror’s place if he or she becomes unable to continue serving on the jury
Open and shut case a legal case or other matter that is easy to prove or decide because the facts are very clear
Circumstantial evidence Evidence based on information which suggests that something is true but does not prove that it is true
witness a person who makes a statement in a court about what he or she knows or has seen
forgery the crime of falsely making or copying a document in order to deceive people
careful thought or discussion done in order to make a decision deliberations careful thought or discussion done in order to make a decision
Double jeopardy the act of causing a person to be put on trial two times for the same crime
Burden of Proof The requirement of the prosecutor to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the defendant is guilty.
Contextual terms
slum an area of a city where poor people live and the buildings are in bad condition
appalled to cause (someone) to feel fear, shock, or disgust
bigot A person who is stubbornly intolerant of members of a particular group, especially a racial or religious group
dogged stubbornly determined; persistent
El train an urban railway track, built on supports above a road
insignificant small or unimportant
riffle to look through something quickly and not very closely
sadist A person who gets enjoyment from being cruel or causing pain
Superficial As a character trait shallow minded; not caring about important matters or deep emotions
petty Small minded; treating others harshly or unfairly because of things that are not really important
meek Having a quiet and gentle nature; not wanting to fight or argue with others
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