Hermie A. Cermie Needs To Find A Home. A web quest adventure for First Grade. By Erica Leffingwell
Introduction Hermie A. Kermie is a hermit crab, he needs a new home. You will become a hermit crab expert and learn about hermit crabs so you can create Hermie a new home.
Task Observe and learn as much as you can about hermit crabs. You will begin the learning adventure by reading Is This A House For Hermit Crab?, A House For Hermit Crab, and In One Tide Pool. You will also observe live hermit crabs, research hermit crabs on the internet and create a hermit crab home.
Procedure *With your teacher, read the following books: Is this A House For Hermit Crab? by Megan Mcdonald, A House For Hermit Crab by Eric Carle, and In One Tide Pool by Anthony D. Fredericks. *Visit the terrarium and observe the class hermit crabs. *With a partner visit the following links to learn about hermit crabs in their natural environment and answer the following questions: 1. What are hermit crabs? 2. Where do hermit crabs live? 3. What do hermit crabs eat? *With your partner use the supplies provided to create a hermit crab habitat. For directions click here *For Fun Sites click here
What is a Hermit Crab? A hermit crab is a crustacean, it wears a shell on its back. We are learning about the land hermit crab. The land hermit crab is sometimes called a tree crab as some of them live in trees. The land hermit crab has five pairs of legs, the first pair are claws. It covers the opening of the shell with the large claw, this is to keep other animals from entering. Visit the sites to learn more Vanessa's Land Hermit Crab Care 101 to view a hermit crab changing shells click http://users.tpg.com.au/vanessap/hermit/404.html
Where do Hermit Crabs live? Hermit crabs can be found on land or in the ocean. They can live on sandy beaches or in the mud of brackish inlets. Visit Animal Information to learn more.
What do Hermit Crabs eat? Hermit crabs are mostly scavengers. They eat a variety of foods such as fallen fruit, decaying wood, leaf litter, dead plants, grasses and animal matter. To learn more and see hermit crabs foraging visit The Crab Street Journal: Caresheets: Food for land hermit crabs
Create a Hermit Crab habitat. To create a habitat, first gather the items you wish to use. You can use items from the box provided in the class and/or bring in items from home. The items you may use include sticks, moss, glue, sea shells, rocks, string, sandpaper, or any other item you think will work. Next with your partner create a habitat you think a hermit crab would enjoy. Think about what you have learned. Try to include a water source, shelter to burrow under or something to climb on, and a food source. Glue or construct your habitat on the tag board provided. You may wish to add Hermie A. Kermie on your project! Have fun and let your imagination go. For additional ideas About.com: http://www.thebestkidsbooksite.com/craftdetails3.cfm?CraftID=129
Conclusion Share your project with your teacher and the class. Congratulations, you have made Hermie A. Kermie a great new home! He is very happy!!
Hermit Crab Fun Sites If you want to visit some additional sites about hermit crabs try these: for a coloring page to print visit Crab Printables - Crab Coloring Page - Hermit Crab To visit a Quiz try A House for Hermit Crab Online Quiz - Crabs Unit Study For a word search try A House for Hermit Crab Wordsearch - Crabs Unit Study For a great online jigsaw puzzle http://www.thekidzpage.com/onlinejigsawpuzzles/jigsaw-puzzles/12-piece-jigsaw/012206hermitcrab.html
Evaluation Scoring Guide OK 1 pt. Good 2 pt. Great 3 pt. Reads at least 1 book with teacher. Reads at least 2 books with teacher. Reads 3 books with teacher. Answers 1 question correctly. Answers 2 questions correctly. Answers 3 questions correctly. Complete and describe less than 50% of habitat. Complete and describe at least 50% of habitat. Complete and describe more than 50% of habitat.
Standards Science: Gather and communicate information from careful observations and simple investigation through a variety of methods. ISTE: Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related technology.
Materials List For Teachers Possible materials to provide: Cardboard Tag board or shoe boxes Blue plastic wrap Styrofoam Sandpaper Dried moss Spanish moss Small sticks Driftwood Sea shells Smooth rocks Dried raisins Cereal Tissue paper Construction paper Glue Various materials found in nature Various materials the students suggest
Sources Vanessa's Land Hermit Crab Care 101 http://users.tpg.com.au/vanessap/hermit/404.html Animal Information The Crab Street Journal: Caresheets: Food for land hermit crabs About.com: http://www.thebestkidsbooksite.com/craftdetails3.cfm?CraftID=129 Crab Printables - Crab Coloring Page - Hermit Crab A House for Hermit Crab Online Quiz - Crabs Unit Study A House for Hermit Crab Wordsearch - Crabs Unit Study http://www.thekidzpage.com/onlinejigsawpuzzles/jigsaw-puzzles/12-piece-jigsaw/012206hermitcrab.html