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Presentation transcript:

Agenda item 2d: Proposals for the presentation of RBMP information in WISE

Type of presentation/visualisation Presentation content Information to be used Type of presentation/visualisation Maps Basic statistics Indicators Scale of presentations/visualisation

Maps required for RBMPs Location and boundaries of water bodies (surface and groundwater) Eco-regions and Surface water body types Protected Areas and their status Monitoring networks Ecological and chemical status of surface waters Chemical and quantitative status of groundwater

Presentation of ecological status of water bodies at catchment level in a RBMP

Information source 2010 Member States WISE electronic reports – March 2010 Based on “Guidance Document No. 21: Guidance for reporting under the Water Framework Directive” Some information/data aggregated at RBD/Sub unit, other reported at water body level Relevant elements will be extracted and data compiled

Geographically referenced information “The Commission will use the information to prepare European wide maps for the assessment of compliance and to present information to the Parliament, Council and general public. In some cases, reference data sets will be created to provide a common basis for assessments across the EU.”

Reference datasets RBDs and subunits (to be updated/produced based on WFD Art 13 reporting); WISE Main rivers (catchment area >500 km2) and WISE main lakes (surface area >100 km2); Surface water bodies (based on WFD Art 13 reporting), Groundwater bodies (update/further development based on WFD Art 13 reporting Bathing waters monitoring stations (annual updating) Protected areas (PA) (sensitive areas, UWWT, NVZs Natura 2000 sites, water safety zones)

WISE – Main Rivers WISE – Main Rivers

WISE – Main Lakes WISE – Main Lakes

WISE viewer Provide public or restricted access to the information reported to or held in WISE – subset of whole information reported Package pre-defined maps and queries within a web-based interactive interface Default view of each map is at European level showing data aggregated at either MS or RBD level – possibility of Sub Units for 2010 reported information Information reported by MSs likely to be visualised at the European level at a scale of 1:250,000 Certain features shown (e.g. monitoring sites) with access to further summary information Context for map provided – definitions and explanations Links to further information (e.g. national WFD web pages)

River Basin District level

Maps identified in reporting guidance – surface waters RBDs All river basins which have either been combined with larger river basins, or joined with neighbouring small basins to form individual RBDs as allowed under Article 3.1 Sub-units WISE Main rivers within the RBDs of a catchment area of, at least, 500 km²; WISE Main Lakes which have been assigned to the RBDs Transitional waters relating to the main rivers within the RBD Coastal waters which have been assigned to the RBDs Transboundary groundwaters which have been assigned to the RBDs;

Maps identified in reporting guidance – surface waters Ecological status class of natural water bodies Ecological potential class of heavily modified water bodies Status of Protected Areas Chemical status - Priority Substances Heavy metals Pesticides Industrial pollutants Other pollutants Other national pollutants (national EQSs)

Maps identified in reporting guidance – groundwaters Quantitative status Achievement/exceedance of standard for nitrates Achievement/exceedance of standard for pesticides Achievement/exceedance of threshold values set by MS for other pollutants Upward trends and trend reversal of pollutants concentrations Distribution of water bodies across the EU where Article 4(4-7) has been used

Visualisation and presentation of status of water bodies Reporting (and presentation) of overall status and confidence in classification And information on individual QE on which the classification is based – not for presentation at water body level Allow building of impact maps using information from various QEs – aggregated at RBD or sub-unit level An indication of where information for a quality element is not available or not applicable No information on status will be displayed at water body level based on individual or a subset of quality elements Agreed at the SCG on 14-15 May 2008

Presented at RBD level

Zoom into a larger scale

Presentation of basic statistics and indicators On maps In graphical form – pie and column charts Tables presenting and summarising data and information All at appropriate and different levels of aggregation In WISE For Commission reports

Basic statistics Numbers of surface water bodies in each RBD and sub-unit by category (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal water bodies, natural, heavily modified and coastal) As percentages of totals By Types (typology) Numbers of groundwater bodies in each RBD Average, maximum, minimum size (area or length) of water bodies in RBD/subunit Numbers and types of Protected Areas Numbers/proportions of monitoring sites by category and type

Monitoring programmes – sites presented at MS/RBD level

WISE viewer – zooming in to sites on rivers with site details

Indicators - status Ecological status of natural surface water bodies Total and by water category Numbers of high, good, moderate, poor, bad and unknown status with high, medium and low or unknown confidence in classification Proportion in each ecological/unknown status class in terms of total area/length Quality elements determining status in water bodies below good ecological status – numbers of water bodies by category and quality element

Indicators - status Ecological potential of heavily modified and artificial surface water bodies Total and by water category Numbers of good, moderate, poor, bad and unknown potential with high, medium and low or unknown confidence in classification Proportion in each ecological potential/unknown class in terms of total area/length Quality elements determining potential in water bodies below good ecological potential – numbers of water bodies by category and quality element

Indicators - status Chemical status of natural, heavily modified and artificial surface water bodies Total and by water category Numbers of good, failing to achieve good and unknown status Proportion in each chemical/unknown class in terms of total area/length Priority Substances and certain other Pollutants that are causing chemical status to be less than good – numbers of water bodies by category and substance

Possible ways of presenting classifications on MS basis

Presentation of aggregated information on ecological status/potential at RBD/Sub unit level

Presentation of ecological status of water bodies at catchment (SU Presentation of ecological status of water bodies at catchment (SU?) level in a RBMP

Indicators - exemptions Exemptions applied to achievement of ecological status/potential objectives Number of water bodies by category and type of exemption Quality elements being exempted - numbers of water bodies by category, exemption and quality element Exemptions applied to achievement of chemical status objectives Substance/pollutant being exempted - numbers of water bodies by category, exemption and substance/pollutant

Indicators - Pressures Number/length/area/proportion of SWB by pressure type Significant pressures on surface water bodies – RBD and/or SU level Aggregated Point source discharges Diffuse sources Water abstractions Water flow regulation and morphological alterations Saltwater or other intrusions Other pressures

Indicators - Pressures Number/length/area/proportion of SWB by pressure type Significant pressures on surface water bodies – RBD and/or SU level Disaggregated (examples) Point – UWWT General Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR) Diffuse - Urban run off Diffuse - Agricultural Abstraction - Agriculture Abstraction - Public Water Supply Water flow Regulation - Flood defence dams Morphological alterations- Physical alteration of river channel

Indicators - Impacts Number/area/proportion of SWB by impact type Impacts on surface water bodies – RBD and/or SU level Nutrient enrichment Organic enrichment Contamination by priority substances Contaminated sediments Acidification Saline intrusion Elevated temperatures Altered habitats Other Significant Impacts

Possible ways of presenting significant pressures and impacts on a RBD/sub unit basis

Quantitative status of groundwater bodies Indicators - status Quantitative status of groundwater bodies Numbers of good, poor and unknown status Proportion in each status class in terms of total area Number/proportion of poor status for each the reasons for failing good quantitative status Number/proportion of groundwater bodies for each type of exemption applied to the achievement of good status

Indicators - status Chemical status of groundwater bodies Numbers of good, poor and unknown status Proportion in each status class in terms of total area Number/proportion of poor status groundwater bodies for each the reasons for failing good quantitative status Pollutants that are causing chemical status to be poor – numbers/proportion of groundwater bodies by pollutant Number/proportion of groundwater bodies for each type of exemption applied to the achievement of good status Pollutants that are causing exemptions – numbers/proportion of groundwater bodies by pollutants and type of exemption

Indicators - status Groundwater bodies with environmentally significant and sustained upward trends in pollutant concentrations Numbers (area) and proportion Numbers (area) and proportion by pollutants that have increasing trends Groundwater bodies with significant trend reversal Numbers (area) and proportion by pollutants that have are showing trend reversal

Indicators- Pressures Number/area/proportion of GWB by pressure type Relevant pressures on groundwater bodies – RBD level Aggregated Point source discharges Diffuse sources Water abstractions Artificial recharge Saltwater or other intrusions Other pressures

Indicators- Pressures Number/area/proportion of GWB by pressure type Relevant pressures on groundwater bodies – RBD level Disaggregated (examples) Point - Contaminated Sites Point - Waste Disposal Sites Diffuse - Agriculture Diffuse - Non-sewered Population Abstraction - Agriculture Abstraction - Public Water Supply Recharge - Discharges Recharge - Mine water rebound

Indicators - Impacts Number/area/proportion of GWB by impact type Impacts on groundwater bodies – RBD level Impact of level alterations on ecological and qualitative status of associated SWB Impact of changes in chemical composition on ecological and qualitative status of associated SWB Impact of level alterations on dependent terrestrial ecosystems Impact of changes in chemical composition on dependent terrestrial ecosystems Altered habitat in dependent surface water or terrestrial ecosystems Substitution of populations Other impacts

Indicators - status Protected area status – surface waters Number/area and proportion of surface water Protected Areas by type and status Number/area and proportion of surface water Protected Areas exempted by type and type of exemption Protected area status – groundwaters Number/area and proportion of groundwater Protected Areas by type and status Number/area and proportion of groundwater Protected Areas exempted by type and type of exemption

Next steps Comments welcome until 7 May Completion of concept paper on presentation/visualisation of RBMP information Distribution for comment by WGD Implementation: most likely an staged approach with some contents displayed already in 2010 Part of the continued development of WISE (DGENV, EEA, JRC, Eurostat) WISE implementation plan 2010-2015

Thank you for your attention!