Eddie Chan Behnaz Ghouchani Golnaz Ghouchani Delivery Robot Eddie Chan Behnaz Ghouchani Golnaz Ghouchani
Outline Overall Schedule Collecting the required parts for the robot Assembling the robot and basic movements State Diagram for robot’s movement Creating Database for the app March’s Schedule
Overall Schedule February March April May - Collecting parts - Assembling robot - Basic move - Avoiding obstacles using sonar sensor - Creating database - using camera to detect obstacles - Navigation while avoiding obstacles - Creating admin app - Add wifi to Robot - Connect to App - Send/Receive Data to/from Robot - Robot Navigation through app - Sending location to app - Final design - Creating user app - Robot navigation based on schedule - Improving the navigation
Collecting Parts of robot Robot’s parts: Arduino microcontroller Sonar sensors L293D IC - H-bridge for controlling stepper motors Two stepper motors Two wheels Capacitor(s) Battery holder Soldering equipments
Assembling Robot Building sample prototype Basic moves (forward, backward, left, and right) Detect/Avoid objects
Sonar Sensor Added a sonar sensor to prototype Detecting the obstacle in front of the robot Buzzing when detecting an obstacle closer than 25 cm Avoiding obstacles by turning left/right
State Machine of Robot
Creating Database for app Currently Coded in Python Django Hosted on Heroku Using Heroku Postgres Database Created the basic model of each entity in our ER Diagram
March’s Schedule Adding more sonar sensors Detecting obstacles using camera Starting navigation Wifi Module and connecting robot to the app through Wifi Create a Basic Admin App (will be updated as we go to test features) Sending data from the app to robot
Thank you!