Student Satellite Programs Dr. William Farrow – Associate Director Current SSP Programs Elijah High-Altitude Balloon Launch and Logistics Team Elijah High-Altitude Balloon Summer Science Payload Team Wisconsin Collegiate High-Powered Rocket Competition Support for selected teams to compete in the Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocketry Competition
Student Satellite Programs Goal: To provide visible and impactful team-based research and space technology experiences for undergraduates. Objective: Ensure efficient/equitable allocation of resources across team-based research and space technology opportunities for students. Strategy: Develop an assessment of impact and per-student cost of WSGC SSPs Strategy: Pursue external funding to support some of the costs of SSPs
Student Satellite Programs Goal: To provide visible and impactful team-based research and space technology experiences for undergraduates. Objective: Increase diversity of students participating team experiences to match demographic profile of affiliate campuses. Strategy: Use assessment data and resource reallocation to better tailor recruiting and marketing for SSPs to focus on short- and long-term benefits of participation. Strategy: Pursue funding to establish an aerial robotics program with academic and industrial partners Strategy: Develop appropriate recruiting materials and target on-campus opportunities for recruiting diverse populations at affiliate colleges and universities.