10th grade Vocabulary Greek Word Roots Part 9
“cutting or converting”, “operation of incision” The Greek Root tomy (tom): “cutting or converting”, “operation of incision”
anatomy (n): Dissection of plants, animals, or other things to study their structure; analysis. VIDEO Example: Anatomy and Physiology are often classes that are required in order to go into the medical field. Why is studying this essential?
Appendectomy (n): Surgical removal of the appendix. VIDEO
Atomizer (n): Device for converting a liquid into a fine spray. VIDEO Example: perfume, airbrushing .
dichotomy(n): Cutting or division into two.
lobotomy(n): VIDEO Brain surgery for treatment of certain mental disorders.
phlebotomy(n): Opening of a vein to diminish the blood supply. Examples: donating blood, blood tests VIDEO
tome (n): A volume forming part of a larger work. Examples: Encyclopedias
tonsillectomy(n) Surgical removal of the tonsils.
tracheotomy(n): Surgical operation of cutting into the trachea (windpipe).
Greek Roots Review Phobia- fear, dislike, aversion Phil- loving, fond of Mis-Hate Dys- bad, ill, difficult Eu- good, well, advantageous Macro-large/long Micro-small/ minute A(n)- not, without Mono-one, single, alone Poly- many Logy- science, study, account
Greek Roots Review Bio-life Tomy- cutting/converting