Work v Employment Work is any activity that requires effort but you don’t necessarily get paid Employment is any work undertaken for payment. You are doing work but getting paid to do so. Example Máistir is a teacher but trains Dunboyne soccer team. Máistir gets paid for being a teacher and so this is employment but coaching the football team is considered work because he does not get paid for it
Types of Work Employment Unemployment Self- Employment Types of Work Voluntary Work
Employment As we have already learned, employment is work for payment An employee is the name given to someone paid to do work An employer is the name given to someone who pays someone to work
RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES As part of an organisation, an employee has many Rights and Responsibilities such as: RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES To receive a fair wage for work done To work to the best of their ability Not to be discriminated against- race, gender, religion etc To be punctual (on time) To be provided with a healthy and safe workplace Not to reveal confidential information to people outside the business To join a trade union Obey the rules To receive the statutory number of holidays. To implement company policy at all times
EMPLOYERS RIGHTS OF EMPLOYERS RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYERS Decide Company Objectives Provide a safe and healthy workplace To expect a fair days work from employees Treat all staff fairly Set conditions of employment Abide by employment laws Expect loyalty Deduct and record appropriate taxes such as PAYE and PRSI Dismiss an employee who has not honoured the terms of employment
Some Types of Employment Office Work- Example would be an office secretary or receptionist- answering telephones, sending emails Technical Work- Example include a chemist, dentist or scientist- using specialist equipment to perform tasks Manual Work-Example would be a builder, plumber, hairdresser- requires physical skills
Some Types of Employment Services and healthcare- Examples would be doctors, nurses, teachers- anyone who provides a service as part of their job Creative Work- Examples would be musicians, designers, or entertainers- possess creative skills Management and Administration- Examples would be accountants, football managers, chief executives- planning and organising resources and managing people
Employment Advantages Disadvantages Regular income Perks- example Company Car Promotion prospects- can move up the ranks Job satisfaction Unsociable working hours Have to follow someone else instructions May have to work long hours over busy periods Pay Tax
The Self -Employed A self-employed person is anyone who seeks out paid work for themselves rather than be employed by anyone else (Example: Sole Trader) Advantages include Keeping all Profits, Chose working hours and Make all big decisions Disadvantages include Unlimited Liability (lose all money invested), Long working hours and You may not have expertise to make decisions
Voluntary Work This would be non- paid forms of work, like charity workers or family members minding young kids People will often do this work out of good will, however it is important to remember there is no money benefit for doing so
Unemployment These are the people who are out of work but are available to work It is measured using the quarterly household survey which happens once every 4 years, or by using The Live Register (The Dole) which measures people receiving unemployment benefit each week
Task Using your I-Pad, find out the rate of unemployment in 2004, 2007. 2008, 2016.
Organisations that Employ People Sole Traders Private Limited Companies Co-Operatives State Owned Companies Franchises
Sole Traders The Sole Trader owns and runs their own business. The Sole Trader is the one who makes all decisions and provides the money in their business
Private Limited Companies Formed when between 2 and 100 people put together money to start a new business. The people who put money in are called shareholders. If the company makes a profit, shareholders receive a dividend. The dividend received depends on the amount of shares you invest. 1 share = 1 vote, the more shares, the more votes. Shareholders have Limited Liability, and the words ltd come after the company name
Co-Operatives Co-operatives pool resources to achieve common goals, which as individuals they may not achieve alone. The people who set it up are called members and all profits go to the members Co-operatives have LIMITED LIABILITY which means… Each member has one vote regardless of the amount of shares they own
State Owned Companies Formed by the Dáil and owned by the state with a board of directors appointed to run them When a government sells a State- Owned company it is called privatisation If the government takes over a company it is called nationalisation
State Owned Companies
What is Franchising Franchising is a business arrangement whereby one person (franchiser) sells the right to use their name, idea or business to others (franchisees) and allows them to set up an exact replica of that business. A franchise is effectively a licence to produce and/or sell another well- known company’s products and use the company’s name.
Why some jobs pay more People have extra training and skills People have more experience Trade Union negotiations High demand for workers, low supply of jobs
How the workplace is changing Improvements in technology- machines doing things faster Outsourcing of people- people brought in from outside the workplace to do specialised work Downsizing- reducing employees to keep costs down Increased competition- more and more firms compete with each other for new and existing customers