Literacy 4 components: Phonics Writing Reading Talking and listening
Phonics Programme Jolly phonics songs with actions to learn the sounds Finding words starting with our sounds Word building and decoding using magnetic boards Developing writing using correct letter formation Identifying words which rhyme
Early Writing and Mark Making Encourage your child to make attempts at writing and mark making Encourage your child to give it a go – use the sounds taught and sounds in their name Give your child praise for their efforts – we are not looking for correct spelling at this point
Emergent writing: A list of things to take to the beach
Handwriting Please encourage your child to use the correct pencil grip Playing with small objects such as threading beads, using tweezers and pegs will help to strengthen hand muscles It is important to instil the correct formation of letters at this early stage – its difficult to break a habit once it is formed!
Home Learning – how you can help 10 minutes maximum per day! Practise letter sound cards every day – 2 minutes Use letter sound cards to practise reading and building words After the September weekend you will also receive tricky word cards – these are words which cannot be sounded out they must be learned by sight Reading will begin after the October holidays – please do not buy ORT books
Numeracy Important in every day life Allows us to make sense of the world Helps us to manage our lives Key processes and skills
Learning Through Play
Developing Skills Throughout Primary 1 children will develop skills in: counting measure pattern handling information e.g. graphs investigating shapes Time money Throughout Primary 1 children will develop skills in counting, measure, pattern, handling information and investigating shapes.
Learning Facts As well as learning though play it is vitally important that children have maths facts at their fingertips. As well as learning though play it is vitally important that children have maths facts at their fingertips. In P1 the ‘Learn Its’ we will focus on are doubles, counting in 1s, 10s, 2s and to develop some knowledge of number bonds to 10 eg: 2 and 8 6 and 4 Counting in 1s, doubles, counting in 10s and 2s, and some knowledge of number bonds to 10 e.g: 8 + 2 6+ 4
Learning at Home Allow for incidental learning, discuss numbers you can see all around you. Please give your child the opportunity to explore numbers at home. Look in the kitchen cupboard what numbers can you see? Discuss the time how many things can they do in a given time (how many toys can you tidy!!??). When you out and about discuss the numbers on busses and cars. Learn Its will be given out initially on flashcards to practise at home.
Homework Homework for numeracy will take the form of a learning wall. Homework for numeracy will be posted on the blog each Wednesday.
E Journals This is how we will share your child’s learning with you Each child will have their own page which you can access at home You will receive an email to link you into this system shortly Across the year your child will work towards targets which will be visible to you on the page – under the tab ‘School Targets’ We will add photos and comments each term – please share the ejournal at home with your child and add comments to the posts
Parent Helpers We need your help! Mornings before break – supporting phonics and reading Mornings after break – supporting numeracy Afternoons – mixture of admin tasks or supporting other areas of learning
House Keeping Please name all items of clothing! Practise changing clothes independently – buttons, fastenings, pulling off jumpers, tights, inside out, etc. The P1 team are always happy to speak to you at the end of the day if you are concerned about something or want to pass on information. Snack – 1 piece is normally enough to allow your child time to eat and also play!
Handing in Money The office has asked – Pleases end in money in a sealed envelope, with name and what the money is for. Send it into the class teacher with your child.