A Day In The Life Of Your 2nd Grader- Curriculum Night
Math Workshop Drill practice Teacher Directed Instruction Guided Practice Independent Practice Reteach/Enrichment Students will receive differentiated instruction as they are able to demonstrate mastery of a concept
Otter Time Outstanding Time To Enrich and Remediate Students are in small group based on their needs.
Science The students will learn to be a scientist through exploration of many concepts from Astronomy through Zoology. Students will participate in field investigations, hands on activities and exciting experiments.
Integrated Social Studies and Reading We are integrating our Social Studies content within our language arts block. The students will be learning both Social Studies concepts and reading skills together.
Word Work Word work will be taught as spelling patterns to apply to many words. Spelling patterns will be practiced in class during Daily 5 and as part of their homework. We believe in creating life-long spellers not just “Friday” spellers.
Writers Workshop We will write everyday. We will write across curriculum. It is a complex skill.
Grading Students will receive number grades for the first time. While the concepts are being introduced, assignments may not have a numeric grade (you may see stickers, check marks, or smiley faces). Rubrics are used to let the students know the skills and expectations of an assignment prior to turning in quality work.
Engaging Work Students learn through authentic and meaningful activities, so you may see fewer pieces of work going home. Learning notebooks used daily Experiments Investigations Lesson practice with manipulatives Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s teacher if you’re interested in seeing your child’s notebooks.
HOMEWORK The students are asked to do a minimum of 20 minutes of homework each night. Read at least 10 minutes each night. 10 minutes will be chosen from math facts or spelling practice. Parents indicate homework completed in daily folder. It is not necessary to turn in math or spelling homework.
Folder Communication Check and sign the daily folder every day. The folder will indicate if their day was a 5,4,3,etc. Students will start fresh each day with 5 cubes. Parents may also write notes to the teacher in the daily folder. *Please remind your child to show the teacher when they arrive at school so no information is overlooked.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Your child’s teacher will contact you to set up a conference after various classroom assessments are completed. Your child’s teacher is available to address any concerns at anytime of the school year.
Other Communication Urgent communication that needs to be handled during the school day should be sent in the child’s folder. If there is a substitute, the note will be read by them. If there are any changes in how your child is going home, please call the office as early as possible in the day.
Birthday Policy We have may student food allergies within our grade level. We ask that you send prepackaged treats for the class. That way the students can take it home and you can decide if it is okay for your child. Ideas: Goldfish, pretzels, birthday pencils, Mott’s Fruit Snacks, Teddy Grahams, Lay’s Chips, Sun Chips, Fruit Leather, small toys
Attendance Supervision in the cafeteria begins at 7:30 a.m. Students should report directly to the cafeteria. School begins promptly at 7:55. The day your child returns after an absence, please send a note.
Dismissal Car Riders , Bike Riders, and Walkers : Students are required to give a high-five to a teacher. Pull all the way up in the line and stay in your car. Bus, Daycare, and Kid’s Club: Students will be escorted to their designated waiting area and supervised until their bus arrives or after school activities begin. Rainy Day Dismissal: For the safety of our students, please stay in your cars and be patient.