Football player
Taxi driver
She is in the classroom He can repair cars The photographer, George, has got a camera She has got a lot of flowers in her garden He can repair cars
Kevin is a football player. He has got ball. He has got shorts and football boots.
Angela is a singer. She has got a microphone and an evening dress. She likes singing pop songs.
Steven is a doctor. He is in hospital. He has got a white coat and stethoscope.
Bob is a farmer. He has got a farm and a tractor. There are a lot of animals in his farm.
Mary likes animals. She plays with them. Mary mother is a vet. FIND “ ‘s “ Mary likes animals. She plays with them. Mary mother is a vet. John plays football. He likes running. John friends plays football with him. Susan book is red. Jack buys pencil. Jack pencil is blue. ‘s ‘s ‘s ‘s
George has got bags. George bags are big. Jane is beautiful. Everyone likes her. Jane hair is long and black Lily likes cartoon characters. Lily mother buys her cartoon character toys. David friend has got a dog. David likes Jack dog. ‘s ‘s ‘s ‘s ‘s
HOMEWORK Ayşe’s father is a doctor. Cem’s father is a mechanic. Ali’s father is a teacher. _______________..... “Choose 10 friends from classroom and ask them about their father’s job. Write them on your notebook “